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Interview with Canon Gonville Ffrench-Beytagh speaking on the role of the church in South Africa in relation to the apartheid regime, and the Archbishop of Capetown’s plan to defy a proposed parliamentary...
Interview with Campbell Adamson of the CBI on a new bill requiring disclosure of companies’ future plans to government and trade unions. Concerns over disclosure to trade union officials of confidential...
Labour MP Michael Foot on the passing of the Sex Discrimination Act, introduced five years ago by Barbara Castle, and the Equal Pay Act, which will see women receive equal pay and equal rights. Interviewer...
Labour politician Michael Foot is interviewed on the reasoning behind the Dock Labour Bill, and claims the bill seeks to solve problems caused by bad industrial relations, and discredits the Conservative...
Jim Prior Conservative MP interviewed on the subject of the Dock Labour Bill being introduced by the Labour Government. He claims it is a bad move for British industry, would give too much power to the dock...
Roy Mason on defence policy and white paper including plans for purchasing of equipment and maintaining of professional personnel rather than conscripts. Rejects idea we are leaving ourselves open to attack...
Peter Allen interviews Jeremy Thorpe, leader of the Liberal Party, on Direct Elections Bill to the EEC.
Ed Boyle reports on a large government defeat over the Devolution Bill including interviews with MPs for and against the bill: Francis Pym; Jim Sillars; Tam Dalyell; Hamish Watt; David Steel, Liberal leader....
Interview with Eric Heffer MP on his abstention on the vote on the Devolution Bill in which the Government suffered a large defeat, and what happens now. Male reporter not identified (poss. Peter Murphy?).
Interview with Francis Pym MP, on all-party talks proposed by the Prime Minister to discuss devolution after defeat of the government on the Devolution Bill. Does not think this bill will ever go through and...
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