Brian Hayes programme

Brian Hayes programme
Interview; News bulletin; Phone-in; Advertisement; Trailer
TX Date
26 Apr 1990
Year of production
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Brian Hayes interviews English comedy writer and television personality Frank Muir following the release of his new book, The Oxford Book of Humorous Prose. Muir talks about his working relationship with Denis Norden, and about humour and writing. Martin Young talks about his forthcoming Midday News programme, which will include coverage of the Chernobyl nuclear accident aftermath; there is also a trailer for Time Off with Suzy Walton, and one for Michael Friedland(?)'s Jewish interest programme. Includes commercial breaks and news bulletin.
Brian Hayes; Martin Young; Suzy Walton; Frank Muir; Michael Friedland(?)
Comedy; Books; Authors; Writers; Literature; Poetry; Nuclear safety; Humour (literary); Chernobyl Nuclear Accident (1986); Time Off; Midday News; Frank Muir; Prose; The Oxford Book of Humorous Prose; Denis Norden

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