Penlee lifeboat disaster - legal wrangle over donations

Penlee lifeboat disaster - legal wrangle over donations
News report; Interview
TX Date
Dec 1981
Year of production
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Report on the legal wrangle over money donated to the Penlee lifeboat disaster fund. Charity law is preventing the distribution of £1.25 million from being distributed to the dead crewmen’s families. Includes interviews with trust spokesman John Moore, who says the trustees are disappointed; lifeboat chairman Dr Denis(?) Leslie(?), who says it is time Parliament considered whether the law needs revising. Male reporter not identified.
John Moore; Denis(?) Leslie(?)
Accidents; Law; Charity; Fundraising; Charities; Cornwall; Boats; Lifeboats; Family; Seaborne disasters; Ships; Maritime rescue; Donations; John Moore; Lifeboat services; Mousehole; Penlee; Lifeboat crew members; Union Star; Solomon Browne; Charles Greenhaugh; Kevin Smith; William Trevelyan Richards; James Madron; Nigel Brockman; John Blewett; Barrie Torrie; Gary Wallis; Dennis Leslie(?)

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