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1960 BBC production of The Insect Play by Karel apek and Josef apek. The Radio Times, 17 June 1960, p. 3 notes that ‘The production will be staged in two studios, of which one will be entirely occupied...
1958 Associated-Rediffusion production for ITV of The Macropulos Secret by Karel apek.
1958 BBC Television production of Comedy on a Bridge by Vaclav K. Klicpera.
1950 BBC live studio production of The Insect Play by Karel apek and Josef apek.
1948 BBC live studio production of the futuristic fable R. U. R. by Karel apek.
1939 BBC studio production of Karel and Josef Capek’s fantasy The Insect Play.
1938 BBC Television production of an English translation of Karel Capek’s science fiction drama R. U. R.
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