Movietone Reviews a Memorable Year 1937 Produced by Gerald Sanger Film Editor Sidney Wiggins Music Arranged by Stanley Wicken


Series Name
British Movietone News


Issue No.
Date Released
30 Dec 1937
Stories in this Issue:
  1. 1Movietone Reviews a Memorable Year 1937 Produced by Gerald Sanger Film Editor Sidney Wiggins Music Arranged by Stanley Wicken


Story No. within this Issue
1 / 1
MOVIETONE CARD TITLE: Review of the Year 1937. DESCRIPTION: War Ramsay MacDonald Air Raids Re-Arming Employment Roosevelt Wall Street Spain Japan - China Gas Masks American Floods Hindenburg Railway Accident Boat Race National & Derby Davis cup Bluebird Aviation Man of the Year The Coronation SHOTLIST: Shot of heavy war clouds in the sky. Shot of Mr Eden at League of Nations in Geneva. Signing of Three Power Pact between Italy, Germany and Japan. Shot of muzzle of large gun. Shot of Ramsay MacDonald. CU Preparations for war and digging of trenches. Digging Sir Malcolm Campbell’s air raid shelter. ARP practice. Guns and shells being made. Shot of workers leaving factory. Elevated shot of shipbuilding. Elevated shot of Wall Street in America. Shots of Mr Roosevelt. Nameplate of Wall Street. Elevated shot looking up at buildings in same. Guns firing in the Spanish War. CU Franco. Entry into Bilbao. Scenes of troops at docks. Santander etc. Basque children on Habana the refugee ship. Scenes in Madrid. Sandbagged buildings and the people going about as normal. China. Bombs bursting. Jap troops marching with flags. Close shot. Bombs fall from plane. Bombs burst on Shanghai. Jap infantry advancing in the streets and searching buildings. Firing field guns and artillery in the streets. CU Madame Chiang Kai Shek, speaking on boycotting Jap goods. Shot of the Mikado past camera on charger. Lantern parade in Japan festival. Palestine. British troops on guard. Armoured cars on roads. ARP practice and Anti-Aircraft guns of Horse Guards Parade. Hitler and Mussolini in Mussolini’s visit to Germany. Aerial of great American Floods. Shots of the Hindenburg disaster and the burning of same. Shots of the Scottish railway disaster. Shot of Oxford winning the boat race and Royal Mail winning the Grand National. Slow motion of jumping. ‘Midday Sun’ winning in the Derby and being led in. Donald Budge with the Davis Cup and Don Bradman batting in the Test Match. ‘Bluebird’ record on Lake Maggiore. Eyston breaks record on Salt Lake. CU Eyston. Shots of Mrs Kirby Green and Clouston after Cape Flight record. Mail flying boats Caledonia on water. Jean Batten enters plane. CU. She takes off and gains record from New Zealand to England. CU after flight. CU at dinner. Shot of crowd. Shot of Mr Eden speaking at the League. CU President Roosevelt. CU Neville Chamberlain. CU Lord Halifax. CU French Ministers including M Delbos. Mussolini and Hitler on balcony. CU Mussolini in helmet. Shots with others at the signing of pact with Germany and Japan. Shots speaking from balcony. Shots riding White Arab Horse. King and Queen in Coronation Robes seated on throne. Seen inspecting navy. Close shots of the King, Queen and the Princesses in the garden of Buckingham Palace. Shot of the Coronation Coach past camera. Leaves the Palace. Other shots of the procession. Interior shots of at the Abbey. Shots of the actual crowning ceremony. Shot of The Abbey, pan down to the entrance. Shots of the drive back. Close shot of the coach. Balcony scenes of the Royal Family with Queen Mary and the Princesses with the King and Queen. Shots with other members. Pan shot of crowds. Balcony scenes. REVIEW OF THE YEAR TAPE - BMN 352 TIMECODE IN: 02:07:38:00 OUT: 02:17:03:23
Royalty; Sport; Horse racing; Rowing; Students; Education and training; Politics and government; Buildings and structures; Ships and boats; Vehicles; Women; Weapons; Economics; Aviation; Tennis; Railways; Aircraft; Fires; Death; Records; Cricket; Industry and manufacture; Ceremonies; Safety devices; War damage; Speed records; Civil defence; Accidents and disasters; Water sports; Animals; Exile; Military; Newsreels
Footage sources
Card file number
Leslie Mitchell
Length of story (in feet)
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