problem Drinkers


Series Name
The March of Time 11th Year


Issue No.
Date Released
Length of issue (in feet)
Stories in this Issue:
  1. 1problem Drinkers


Story No. within this Issue
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The March of Time synopsis: Millions of people drink regularly without any visible bad effects, but of grave concern to the U.S. is the growing number of those unlucky problem drinkers, whose addiction to alcohol is uncontrolled. It is only in recent years that it has been realised that alcoholics are not evil-doers, who can be cured by punishment, but rather people in the grip of a disease which must be analysed and treated by doctors and psychiatrists.

The film shows some amusing scenes of the old "temperance" crusades, of America’s bone-dry reformers who denounced the curse of drink and warned their followers against the evils to which liquor would lead them and their children. Although the enactment of national Prohibition in 1919 failed to solve the problem, many organisations are endeavouring again to outlaw liquor. Today, with alcoholism recognised as America’s fourth public health problem. U.S. liquor interests are campaigning for "moderation" as they fear that excessive drinking may strengthen the cause of prohibitionists. However, a far more important work is being done by such institutions as the Yale University’s School of Alcohol studies, where, through exact research and analysis, attempts are being made to find out how alcoholics get that way and what can be done about them. If the patients at the School’s clinics are sincere in their desire to be cured, they are given every help by doctors, psychiatrists, and the knowledge gained by the clinic’s experiments on the subject.

The March of Time then turns to the work of an organisation known as Alcoholics Anonymous, which can claim a total of over 24,000 total recoveries, more than that of any other organisation. Alcoholics Anonymous (or A.A.) consists of recovered alcoholics who devote their time to helping others to overcome the addiction. A.A.'s are able to understand the drinker’s problem and offer their help to anyone who is willing to admit his own inability to help himself. The film dramatises the case of one man who is finally cured, and explains the methods used. Is a new member of A.A. is in bad shape, he begins his treatment in hospital, where he is built up by rest and vitamin therapy. Older members, working in pairs, spend a great deal of time with him, encouraging him and making him feel that he is part of a social group. Members discuss together their own cases, and the new member is instructed to analyse his personal failings so that he may better attempt to remedy them. The fight against his addiction is long and difficult, but at all times the new members can call upon one of the older members for help and encouragement. Of those alcoholics who are sincerely trying to overcome the disease. A.A. claims seventy-five per cent. Will recover. However, the true alcoholic can never take a drink again - his only security lies in that. The film states that the influence of Alcoholics Anonymous is spreading in the U.S., Great Britain, Canada and Australia. The National Committee for Education on Alcoholism in America stresses the fact that alcoholism can be solved only by community action, and the realisation, by society, that treatment of afflicted persons is the job of hospitals and clinics, not gaols.
Researcher Comments
This story was included in Vol.12 No.11 of the US edition.
Health and medicine; Food and cooking; Social welfare
Written sources
The March of Time Promotional Material   Lobby Card, Used for synopsis
Production Co.
Time Inc.

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