Unemployment - America’s big political issue


Series Name
The March of Time 2nd Year


Issue No.
Date Released
Feb 1936
Stories in this Issue:
  1. 1Football Pools
  2. 2Unemployment - America’s big political issue
  3. 3Mussolini’s Diplomatic Conquest


Story No. within this Issue
2 / 3
The March of Time synopsis: In America, the older the year 1936 becomes, the more feverish and full of ballyhoo it grows, for it brings another National election. Ballot boxes are dusted off, flag markers speed up production and button factories run overtime. Into action go men to collect funds and clattering away are batteries of propaganda machines. And where crowds gather goes a new type of propagandist, the Professional Rumour Monger. But the overwhelming and fundamental problem in the country’s political economy remains unaltered. Twelve million citizens are unemployed and on relief. Typical are the workless in Ewing Township, New Jersey. With their relief suddenly cut off, their pride gone, these workless men accept the only solution: for the first time since Government Relief started, licensed beggars make their appearance. Into the State House at Trenton go other defiant Jersey unemployed to conduct mock sessions. Thoughtful observers realise that whether politicians know it or not, the relief dilemma is an overwhelming, fundamental problem. Many a U.S. officeholder and office seeker thinks of mounting relief costs, asks himself what answer there is to the relief problem - and wonders whether millions now idle will ever work again. But to many a politician, March of Time points out, 1936 is simply another election year - relief simply a political football in the great game that must go on.
Researcher Comments
This story was included in Vol.1 No.8 of the US edition.
Politics and government; Social conditions
Written sources
The March of Time Promotional Material   Lobby Card, Used for synopsis
Production Co.
Time Inc.

Record Stats

This record has been viewed 234 times.