
Series Name
Mining Review 11th Year


Issue No.
Date Released
Nov 1957
Stories in this Issue:
  1. 1TIN MINE
  2. 2CRUNCH: Northumbria


Story No. within this Issue
4 / 4
BFI synopsis: Ayrshire colliery manager James Love, winner of the Queen’s Prize at Bisley for rifle shooting.
NCB Commentary - Houldsworth Pit stands high on the Ayrshire hills. 34 year old James Love manages this pit.
A colliery manager’s job is like a doctor’s - you’re on call 24 hours of the day.
In his office, Love has to mediate on the hundred and one problems which beset the running of a mine.
Nevertheless, he’s found time to collect this year the highest honour attached to his hobby - rifle shooting.
At Bisley he defeated the pick of British Commonwealth marksmen to win the Queen’s Prize.
The Kyle Rifle Club, to which he belongs, is only a small one. The maximum length of their range is 600 yards. But practice on the gusty hills has given Love experience invaluable in competitive shooting.
Often the Love family make up a shooting party. His father, Thomas Love, had 25 years in the pit and started winning prizes for rifle-shooting at the age of 12. Love himself has been shooting since boyhood.
His brother, Thomas, has had 20 years on the coal face and Uncle John, who holds the British Empire Medal, started shooting in 1908. He’s had 54 years in the pit.
James Love must have inherited his sure eye and steady hand from the family.
His win this year at Bisley has brough credit to himself and an added stimulus to rifle shooting in Scotland.
Researcher Comments
Commentary recorded 10th October 1957.
Shooting; Mining; Awards and honours
Bisley; England; Surrey
Written sources
British Film Institute Databases   Used for synopsis
Film User   Vol.12 No.138 April 1958, p168.
The National Archives COAL 32   /12 Scripts for Mining Review, 1956-1960
Production Co.
Documentary Technicians Alliance
National Coal Board

Record Stats

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