Farming in the Desert


Series Name
British Movietone News


Issue No.
Date Released
4 Mar 1979
Stories in this Issue:
  1. 1Prince Charles Visits Portsmouth
  2. 2Farming in the Desert


Story No. within this Issue
2 / 2
MOVIETONE CARD TITLE: Farming in the Desert. DESCRIPTION: Fresh dairy milk used to be a special treat for the children of Saudi Arabia, but now a new intensive farming system has meant that it is readily available. The Mastock System was developed in Ireland by Alistair and Patrick McGuckian. The cattle are kept in specially designed houses and fed from crops of grass and barley grown on nearby stretches of continuously irrigated land. The slurry from the cattle-houses is used as fertiliser thus completing the cycle and making once barren land highly productive. The farms also have their own pasteurising and packaging planting. SHOTLIST: MS Arab pouring fresh milk into glass. MLS ditto and hands same to child. MS Arab pouring out milk. MS handing same to child. MS 3 Arab children drinking milk. MS camel in desert. GV Green Mastock Farm in desert expanse. MS cows eating grass in cow house. GV pan across O’Connell Bridge. GV street scene Dublin with traffic. GV traffic across bridge. GV ‘The Lady Patricia’ ship moored. LS Georgian houses, Fitzwilliam Square, Dublin. MS Masstock House, Dublin. MS interior Masstock House boardroom, Alistair McGuckian (Chairman) entering meeting. MS pan down table during board meeting. MS ditto. Saudi Arabia: HR Sultan Bin Al’Kabir (with falcon). MCU falcon. Alistair & Patrick McGuckian with the Prince. MS A McGuckian hands Prince piece of paper. Prince reading same. MS Prince looking through papers. MS A McGuckian pan to Prince. MS P McGuckian & Prince. GV pan camels in desert. GV from mountain to Masstock Farm in desert. Various ditto. MS pivot irrigator in action (rainbow caused). MS ditto. Pan along irrigator. MS pan lorry with slurry fertiliser in action - Todea Farm. MS crops. MS man walking through lane of crops. Pan tractor harvesting crop. MS same followed by mechanised grass collector. CU collecting grass. MS interior cow house - collector dumping feed. Various cows feeding. MS collector leaving shed. MS cattle entering milking parlour at Al Kharj Farm. MS ditto. MS man washing udders. Various ditto and milking machines being fitted to cows. CU sign ‘Almarai’. CU man at milk packaging machine (Al Kharj). CU packaging machine in action. Various cartons packed into crates. MS man with crate of milk to lorry. Various ditto. CU sign on lorry ‘Fresh from the Farm Dairy’. LS lorry. MS Arab youths drinking milk from cartons. MCU ditto. MS Irish & Arab drinking milk by lorry.
Food and cooking
Dublin; Republic of Ireland; Saudi Arabia
Footage sources
Card file number
Leonard Martin
Length of story (in feet)
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