Capetown to Rio Yacht Race


Series Name
British Movietone News


Issue No.
Date Released
1 Feb 1976
Stories in this Issue:
  1. 1Motor Cycle Trials
  2. 2Pipeman of the Decade
  3. 3Canal Boat Art
  4. 4Capetown to Rio Yacht Race


Story No. within this Issue
4 / 4
MOVIETONE CARD TITLE: Capetown to Rio Yacht Race. DESCRIPTION: The contestants in the second part of the "Atlantic Triangle" leave Capetown bound for Rio de Janeiro. For the crews of the yachts taking part it was the beginning of many days of hard sailing. SHOTLIST: GV yachts heading for the start, Table Mountain in background. Leading is the Italian sloop ‘Morlboro’ followed by the French yacht ‘Pen Duick VI’ and the American yacht ‘Ondine’ in background. SV as yachts pass cameras. SV Pen ‘Duick VI’. SV the dark hulled ‘British Steel’. BV ditto. LV survey ship ‘SAS Protea’ (guard ship) at sails of SA 111 ‘Aquacrete’, the South African cement hulled sloop past in close-up pan down to yacht. LV past crowds on breakwater watching. SV starting and gun fires. GV start of yacht race. GAV ditto. AV French ‘Pen Duick VI’ with full spinnaker. AV American ‘Ondine’. LV ‘Pen Duick’ and ‘Rublin IV’ (Germany) racing. SV ditto. AV South African yacht ‘Dabulamanzi’ SA 54 with full spinnaker. AV Brazilian yacht ‘Carina Mia’. AV zoom into stern of ‘Blue Shadow’ from Mauritius MS 2. AV bow through water (Blue Shadow). AV German sloop ‘Atropos’ G 247. LV ‘Penduick’ and ‘Ondine’ racing. SV ‘Penduick’ racing. AV other yachts racing. AV ‘Ondine’ and ‘Penduick VI’ pulling spinnakers. AV ‘Ondine’ surrounded by fleet of small boats. AV, CU, BV, South African yacht ‘Stormkaap’. AV ‘Penduick VI’. AV ‘British Steel’ K 3388. AV German yacht ‘Struntje’ through water. AV ‘Strunjte heading into sun and choppy sea. End of story. Selected Shots 1. ‘Pen Duick VI’ preparing. 2. Boats heading for start, Table Mountain in background. 3. SA naval boat ‘Fleur’. 5. SA entrant ‘Table Top’ (SA 235). 8. Quaysides and beaches lined with spectators. 9. Race starting gun fired from ‘Fleur’. 16. ‘Pen Duick VI’ (F 5999). 17. ‘Pen Duick VI’ and ‘Ondine’. 18. Start of race for Class II boats. 19. Class II boats with Table Mountain in background. 20. Class II boats through starting line from helicopter. 24. ‘Voortrekker’ (SA 1). 26. ‘Struntje V’ action on deck. 28. ‘British Steel’ K 3388.
Sport; Ships and boats; Sailing; Landforms
South Africa
Footage sources
South Africa
Card file number
Leonard Martin
Length of story (in feet)
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