News in Colour: Lord Mayor’s Show


Series Name
British Movietone News


Issue No.
Date Released
14 Nov 1974
Stories in this Issue:
  1. 1Hon. Doctorate of Law for Prince Charles
  2. 2The Sugar Crisis
  3. 3Baby Rhino
  4. 4Caravan & Camping Exhibition
  5. 5News in Colour: Lord Mayor’s Show


Story No. within this Issue
5 / 5
Section Title
News in Colour
MOVIETONE CARD TITLE: Lord Mayor’s Show Colour. DESCRIPTION: The new Lord Mayor of London, Sir Murray Fox, presents the 1974 Show with ‘Sinews of Britain’ as the theme. SHOTLIST: TV pan Cambridge University Land Society float (large fox) pan to Lord Mayor on balcony (Sir Murray Fox). SV Lord Mayor standing on balcony with officials. TV pan ‘Sinews of Great Britain’ float CU. SV Lord Mayor on balcony. TV BP Oil float. SV pan girl waving from float. BTV float. STV Gas Board float. LV National Coal Board float. SV men walk by float with giant miners helmets on. LV Electricity Board’s float. SV pan girls in bathing suits on float. LV Recycling float. SV pan girls on float. SV pan group of girls following up float on bicycles. GV floats going through streets. SCU Fox on Cambridge University Land Society float. SV pan Australian High Commissioner in open carriage Hon JI Armstrong. TV British Leyland float. CU lion’s head on Vickers Engineering float. TV pan Worshipful Company of Furniture Makers float. SCU child in crowd. SV pan agricultural float with man walking along side as an egg. GV British Insurance Association float with men playing oil drum instruments. LV Lord Mayor’s coach. SV Lord Mayor in coach waving. SV man waving from crowd. GV marching pikemen following behind Lord Mayor’s coach. LV Lord Mayor coach. SV Lord Mayor getting out of coach at Law Courts. LV pan Lord Mayor walking behind Mace Bearer to entrance. SV coachman on coach. SCU horses of coach feeding from nose bags. GV entrance to Law Courts.
Politics and government; Buildings and structures; Music and dance; Vehicles; Displays; Customs and traditions; Business and commerce; Ceremonies; Local government
City of London
Card file number
Godfrey Kenneth Hanshaw
Leonard Martin
Length of story (in feet)
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