Pope in Venice and Venice Carnival


Series Name
British Movietone News


Issue No.
Date Released
25 Sep 1972
Stories in this Issue:
  1. 1Six Day Cycle Race
  2. 2Prince Bernhard Opens Hilton Hotel
  3. 3Queen Juliana Opens Parliament
  4. 4Pope in Venice and Venice Carnival
  5. 5Colour: Galway Oyster Festival


Story No. within this Issue
4 / 5
MOVIETONE CARD TITLE: Pope in Venice and Venice Carnival. DESCRIPTION: The Holy Father takes a few hours relaxation to visit Venice. Every year for the last 700 years, a regatta of gondolas both large and small has been held in Venice. SHOTLIST: GV Pope and party in gondolas on way to St Mark’s Square. SLV ditto. GV St Mark’s Square with crowds waiting. AS people on balcony of large building. LV Pope blessing crowd & making speech. GV mass crowds in St Marks Square. Nearer shot ditto. SV official being presented to Pope. GV mass crowds in square. LV Pope making speech. SV ditto. CU pan crowd watching and listening. LV Pope finishes speech & mass of pigeons flies up. GV crowds applauding. BGV pan ditto (2 shots). SV pan as Pope walks from rostrum. GTV crowds applauding. SV Pope. GV mass crowds in square. GV flotilla of gondolas on Grand Canal during Venice Regatta. SV large boat goes past with trumpeters on. Oarsmen standing behind, rowing. TV ditto as it goes under bridge. GTV flotilla of gondolas. STV spectators. GV various boats round bend. SV a Carolina goes past camera. TV boats sailing down canal. SLV large boat with trumpeters aboard, pan to other boats behind. SV pan gondolas past. GV various gondolas sailing down canal.
Ships and boats; Religion and belief
Italy; Venice
Footage sources
Card file number
Leslie Mitchell
Length of story (in feet)
Story extras:

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