Sports Review of 1971


Series Name
British Movietone News


Issue No.
Date Released
6 Jan 1972
Stories in this Issue:
  1. 1Sports Review of 1971


Story No. within this Issue
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MOVIETONE CARD TITLE: Sports Review of 1971. DESCRIPTION: The sporting highlights of 1971 in this special report. The Grand National..... Princess Anne - Sportswoman of the Year. Golfing..... Canoeing..... Speedway, Cricket, Tennis, all the Classic Races, The Boat Race. Excitement in every sporting field from Pedal Cars to Power Boats, from a hundred years of Rugger to the Cup Final. SHOTLIST: SV towards & pan Princess Anne on her horse Badminton. LV Anne jumping hurdle. SV pan Anne over another jump. CU Anne on her horse. SV interior Anne walks up to receive trophy. SV Anne receives trophy. SV Anne dancing with Ken Buchanan. GV travel shot horses jumping over jump - Grand National - pan down to loose horse. CU horses over another jump. GV pan finish of Grand National with Specify No 7 winning Johnny Cooke and Black Secret 2nd. Head on shot horses racing towards at Derby. GV pan finish of Derby, Mill Reef 1st, Linden Tree 2nd, Irish Ball 3rd. SV winner of Derby in winners enclosure. GV pan finish of Irish Derby, Irish Derby, Irish Ball winner. CU sign on plaque RFU 1871-1971. SV Sir William Ramsey President RFU unveiling plaque on site of Old Pall Mall Restaurant. GV play in progress at Rugby League Cup Final, between Leeds and Leigh, Leigh in hooped shirts, winning try being made by Leigh. SV crowds cheering. CU pan team mates carrying Rugby League Cup. SV crowds demonstrating with fire crackers in Sydney, Springboks match. SV demonstrator being led away. GV game in progress Springboks score winning try. SV pan as Barry John No 10 kicks winning penalty. SV pan crowds cheering. GAV Oxford & Cambridge boat race shooting Hammersmith Bridge, Cambridge in lead. GAV ditto. GV zoom in Cambridge past winning post. CU man in canoe for World Canoe Championships. LV another canoeist shooting rapids. CU from boat ditto. CU slow motion canoeist through tough water. Angle shot man water skiing for water ski championships. GV Paul Seaton winning slalom final. SV Lord Snowdon watching. GV Seaton making winning jump. SV Edward Heath stepping out of cabin onto deck on Morning Cloud. CU spray pan up to Heath at helm of Morning Cloud. SV pan power boat race with No 123. SV boat No 033 racing. GV zoom into winner Lady Nara. SCU winning crew of Lady Nara. GV start & pan of International Speedway. SV crowd watching. GV as bikes race round bend, New Zealander Ronnie Moore crashes. CU winner Ivan Mauger. GV & zoom in test match between England and Pakistan with Pakistan player Zahir scoring 159. SV exterior Pakistanis demonstrating with banners. GV Queen talking to Indian cricketers at Lord’s. CU Indian player. SCU Queen talking to Indian players. PART 2 GV crowds running to 1st green for Open Golf Final. SV Formosa’s (now Taiwan) Liang Huan Lu making putt on 18th and sinks ball at 11 and raises hat to crowds. SV crowds applauding. Mexican Lee Trevino making final putt to win open golf, throws hat in the air. SV Princess Alexandra presenting trophy to Evonne Goolagong. CU Goolagong holding up trophy. CU John Newcombe holding up trophy. GV cars racing away at Silverstone Grand Prix. SV cars rounding bend. SV Jackie Stewart in car No 12 racing down straight. SV Stewart crossing line to win. SCU Stewart. GV crowds and wreckage of Joe Siffert’s car CU pan wrecked car. CU Siffert. Shot from snow covered road Monte Carlo Rally. STV pan car along snow road. Travel shot along road at night. GV pan at night car round bend and skids. CU winning trophy zoom out to winners. GV pan car at speed over over narrow bridge in RAC Rally. SV pan another car over bridge. SV pan car down forest road and round bend. SV 2 winners of RAC Rally sitting on bonnet of car. SV pan start of scouts pedal car race. GV racing down at speed. SV racing toward camera. GV mass of cyclists coming in to finish Milk Race. SV crowd watching. SV winner holding up bike. GV many cyclists on bike for Big Bike record. CU showing legs pedalling. GV cyclists on big bike. GV cyclists on big bike. GV new Olympic stadium in Munich being built. SV pan David Bedford in 5000 metres in lead. SV time keepers. SV pan Bedford being helped away from track after pulling muscle. GV Martin Chivers scoring 1st goal for Spurs against Aston Villa in League Cup Final. GV massed crowds cheering. SV pan Chivers score 2nd winning goal. CU captain holding up League Cup. GV play in progress Scottish Cup Final between Celtic and Rangers. GV Celtic scoring winning goal. CU Celtic players congratulating. GV Celtic captain holding up cup. GV mass crowds at Wembley for Cup Final between Arsenal and Liverpool. GV pan Charlie George scores winning goal for Arsenal after extra time. GV team mates picking up George. CU Arsenal supporters cheering. CU George being hugged. SV Arsenal Captain holding Cup aloft. GV play in progress and winning goal being scored at European Cup Final between Holland and Greece. GV crowds going mad on pitch. SV policeman tackling supporters. SV European Cup trophy being held aloft by team mates.
Sport; Review of the Year
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Leonard Martin
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