Britain Goes Decimal


Series Name
British Movietone News


Issue No.
Date Released
18 Feb 1971
Stories in this Issue:
  1. 1Britain Goes Decimal
  2. 2Snow Ploughs
  3. 3Kangaroo Hospital
  4. 4Liverpool V Southampton FA Cup
  5. 5Rugby, Ireland V England


Story No. within this Issue
1 / 5
MOVIETONE CARD TITLE: Britain Goes Decimal. DESCRIPTION: D Day comes and goes and the country quickly adjusts to the new decimal coins. There’s a bit of confusion at first of course, and most people needed to check the conversion charts. Decimally speaking we’ll need to be even more penny-wise from now on. SHOTLIST: SV pan up decimal currency chart. CU hand counting new pence from counter. CU man. GV garage. CU petrol meter turning to 69 new pence - 2 gallons. SV attendant gives driver change, driver points to chart. LV interior people in public lounge bar. CU glass filled with beer. CU man at bar. CU barman puts change into customers hand. GV exterior supermarket. CU 3 shots decimal signs. AS interior looking up at shoppers’ table. CU woman shopper. CU hand on till registering 8np and 24np. CU change given in new coins. SV hand on till registering 5np & 50np. SV elderly woman searches purse for money - pan up to woman. CU hand in till for change. CU woman shopper. SV shopper receives change from assistant.
Food and cooking; Economics; Shops and shopping; Business and commerce; Road transport
London; United Kingdom
Card file number
Leslie Mitchell
Length of story (in feet)
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