Movietone Presents - Review 70


Series Name
British Movietone News


Issue No.
Date Released
31 Dec 1970
Stories in this Issue:
  1. 1Movietone Presents - Review 70


Story No. within this Issue
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MOVIETONE CARD TITLE: Movietone Presents - Review 70 Part Colour. DESCRIPTION: All the highlights of the year in a special King Size release heralding the splendid seventies. Twelve months in as many minutes - An Action Package, recording the dramas, the tragedies, the achievements of 1970. SHOTLIST: Section 1 b/w (322’) Sequence shots student demonstrations in Belgium & Sweden. GV pan girl walks to polling booth. GV crowds at Hammersmith during election. CU Wilson & wife. CU Heath. Sequence in Trafalgar Square as election results come through. Sequence Orange Day ‘Parade’ in Belfast, sequence aftermath Belfast bomb explosion. GV pan wrecked planes after airport explosion. SV wrecked tail-piece of Pan Am jumbo. GV plane brings hostages to Heathrow. CU policeman. LV pan hostages walk from plane. CU security guard. SV passenger through X-ray machine. LV & CU Mr & Mrs James Cross arrive home. 9 sequences Time of Suez Cease fire. Part night shot section Vietnam War. Daytime troops etc. USA support demonstration for war. UN anniversary service at Westminster Abbey. Pope’s 5oth anniversary and mass ordination. Italian floods. Belfast floods. Val D’Isere avalanche aftermath. 2nd Part b/w section (285’) Sequence Peru earthquake. Sequence East Pakistan flood disaster. GV pan Nasser during Cairo talks in Jordan. 5 sequences. Nasser funeral. De Gaulle funeral. French dance hall fire. Australian bridge disaster. Pacific Glory. GV pan rubbish in Berkeley Square. GV piled up rubbish in Hackney. Sequence pop festival on Isle of Wight. Sequence Miss World contest. CU Miss Grenada winner. Sequence jumbo jet at LAP. Colour Section 295’ GV air to air Concorde in flight. CU Concorde controls pan up to pilot. GV pan Concorde over Farnborough. GV Britannia in harbour at Wellington. GV royal car drives through crowds in Wellington. GV Queen walks past crowds in street. CU 2 Eskimo women. CU pan Queen walks past Eskimo women. CU 2 Eskimo women & small child. SV Prince Charles talks to officials. CU sign Buffalo Dinner. SV steaks being cut up. SV Princess Anne talks to people & children. CU Princess Anne. CU Indian couple. LV Indian presents dress to Queen amid swarming mosquitos. CU Queen holding dress on coat-hanger. SV Indian man. LV Prince Charles arrives by car for Fiji independence. CU Fijian soldier. SV Prince Charles greeted by PM. GV crowd of Fijians. SV flag raised. SV Charles salutes. CU flag at top of mast. SV pan into Lords in robing room. CU Charles in robes. SV pan Charles walks out of robing room. GV Queen in robes & crown for State opening. GV into House of Lords. GV Queen and Duke on throne. SV Princess Anne & Lord Mountbatten. SV Prince Charles in robes. CU Edward Heath. SV Queen & Duke on throne. SV opening ceremony at Expo ‘70 pan up to flags of nations. AS pan flags. GV Russian pavilion. Sequence British ball emblem. CU feet walking. SV Japanese people. CU zoom back girl on television telephone. CU Japanese people walk past camera. GV Expo 70. GV zoom back from Sun emblem to GV exhibition.
Royalty; Commemorations; Students; Education and training; Politics and government; Buildings and structures; Ships and boats; Music and dance; Entertainment and leisure; Food and cooking; Women; Weather; Environment; Aviation; Foreign relations; Competitions; Death; Celebrations and festivals; Science and technology; Explosions; Ceremonies; Colonialism; Independence movements; Police; Terrorism; Labour relations; Pollution; Local government; Crime; Accidents and disasters; Military; Funerals; Religion and belief; Exhibitions and shows; Youth
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Card file number
Leslie Mitchell
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