Pilgrim’s Progress


Series Name
British Movietone News


Issue No.
Date Released
9 Jan 1964
Date submitted
4 Jan 1964
Date Other
Jan 1964
Stories in this Issue:
  1. 1England Under All Black Cloud
  2. 2FA Cup 3rd Round - Gunners on Target
  3. 3Pilgrim’s Progress


Story No. within this Issue
3 / 3
MOVIETONE CARD TITLE: Pilgrim’s Progress. DESCRIPTION: Our pictures show Pope Paul on his tour of the Holy Land, he meets President Shazar at Megiddo. He then meets the Chief Rabbi who made the traditional offering of bread and salt. The journey was made to implore divine mercy on behalf of peace among men. SHOTLIST: Key scene. GV bridge in Rome. BS zoom in Pope Paul VIth up steps - turns and waves to crowds. CU crowds. MS Pope waving and walks into plane. CU crowds. MCU plane takes off. GV crowds at airport. LS plane takes off. GV City of Jerusalem. GV putting up road side decorations. MS same. CU same. CU Arab with portraits of Pope and King Hussein. GV pan plane along runway. MS King Hussein and officials at airport. GV Pope down plane’s steps. MS guard. GV Pope across tarmac. MS crowd waving. GV crowds in Jerusalem. MS pan same. GV crowds mobbing Pope along the stations of the Cross. GV same (2 shots). MCU statue of Christ in Holy Sepulchre. CU same. GV Altar of the Holy Sepulchre. MS Pope celebrating Mass in same. CU same. MS Pope’s blessing. GV pan Gethsemane. GV pan garden of Gethsemane. CU pan across church in garden. GV same. GV Pope through gates of the Basilica at night. CU crowd cheering. MS Pope leaves Basilica. GV same and crowds mobbing around. CU same. GV Pope followed by crowds on bank of river Jordan. MLS same. MS Pope blesses crowd. CU River Jordan. MCU Pope speaks into microphone. MS guard holding Israeli flags. CU same saluting. MLS Pope greeted by Israeli President Z Shazar. CU guard. GV Pope waving to crowd. CU Pope presented with loaf. GV monks spread flowers on the approach to Mount Thabor. MS same. CU flowers on ground. MS Pope and others walk along approach. MS same. GV Pope and others on Mount Thabor. GV ruins on Mount Thabor - site of the Transfiguration. CU same. CU plaque on wall. ES pan Pope approaching antiquities on Mount Thabor. CU same (4 shots). GV Pope and party in ruins. MS same. ES pan same. CU pan same. CU pan down altar in Church of the Announciation (Nazareth). GV pan Pope inside same. GV pan city of Nazareth and Arabs in foreground. GV city of Nazareth.
Royalty; Politics and government; Buildings and structures; Food and cooking; Customs and traditions; Religion and belief
Italy; Israel; Jordan
Footage sources
Card file number
Leslie Mitchell
Length of story (in feet)
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