The Last Journey


Series Name
British Movietone News


Issue No.
Date Released
28 Nov 1963
Date submitted
25 Nov 1963
Date Other
Nov 1963
Stories in this Issue:
  1. 1The Last Journey
  2. 2The End of the Journey


Story No. within this Issue
1 / 2
MOVIETONE CARD TITLE: The Last Journey. DESCRIPTION: Our pictures pay tribute to John F Kennedy, who died from an assassin’s bullet on that bright November day in Dallas. As America’s chief executive he led a nation, but he was also undisputed leader of the Free World, as much respected in Russia as in the West for his resolute work for peace. SHOTLIST: Key scene. GV pan cars in procession. LAS Texas School Book Depository building in Dallas from which shots were fired. CU window of same building from which shots were fired. CU zoom in still of wounded President Kennedy in car. MS Dallas policemen in street. MS police cars arrive at scene of shooting. MLS same. MCU policeman looking towards window. MS police chiefs enter building. CU woman weeping. CU another. CU Negro woman weeping. CU man. GV ambulance leaving building. MCU Lee Harvey Oswald with police chiefs. CU same. MS same surrounded by press. MS Oswald escorted by police - Jack Ruby steps forward and fires shot. CU still of shooting. CU still of Ruby. GV pan up Capitol building in Washington. CU USA flag at half mast. CU Nikita Khrushchev. MS pressmen. MCU Khrushchev makes speech. ES pan Berlin Wall. TS aerial same. MCU Kennedy and Lyndon B Johnson amongst crowds. CU Kennedy and Johnson. ES Johnson in West Berlin 1961. CU same. ES same. MCU Fidel Castro. CU same. MS same. CU same. MCU same. ES Assembly Room of Commonwealth delegates. CU two delegates. CU another. GV pan the White House to mass crowds. GV Americans taking part in Washington March 1963. GV same. ES same. GV same. GV mass of marchers assemble for speeches. CU same (4 shots). GV crowds. CU banners. GV crowds around speaker and pan to crowds (sound on film). LS the Capitol. GV interior - Kennedy’s coffin carried to catafalque. MS Jackie Kennedy and her children watching. MLS coffin on catafalque. MCU Mrs Kennedy and children during service. GV Jackie and Caroline walk to coffin - Jackie kisses same. LS Capitol and crowds outside. GV crowds walking to building and pan to dome. LS crowds proceed towards building. CU same up steps. Interior - Kennedy laying in state. CU people file past coffin. CU others (2 shots). MS same. CU same. MS coffin on gun carriage through street. GV crowds. CU tracking crowds. MS gun carriage through street. Kennedy Assassination.
Ethnic groups; Politics and government; Buildings and structures; Mass media; Social events; Demonstrations; Crime; Funerals
United States of America
Footage sources
United States of America
Card file number
Jeffrey K. Shearley
Length of story (in feet)
Story extras:

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