The Royal Wedding - Presented by Movietonews. (In Eastman Colour)


Series Name
British Movietone News


Issue No.
Date Released
29 Apr 1963
Date Other
Apr 1963
Stories in this Issue:
  1. 1The Royal Wedding - Presented by Movietonews. (In Eastman Colour)


Story No. within this Issue
1 / 1
MOVIETONE CARD TITLE: The Royal Wedding (Colour). DESCRIPTION: Her Majesty the Queen, Prince Philip, Prince Charles, the Queen Mother, Princess Margaret and Lord Snowdon, and more than 50 members of Europe’s Royal Houses, attended the Spring Wedding of Princess Alexandra and Mr Angus Ogilvy at Westminster Abbey. After the reception at St James’s Palace, the happy couple left for their honeymoon in Scotland. SHOTLIST: Key scene (fade in). GV Kensington Palace. MS people reading newspapers. People asleep on pavement in The Mall (3 shots). MS woman having cup of tea. CU young man having a shave. MS girl with transistor radio. MS people reading newspapers. MCU man looks over crowd with periscope. MS police control crowd. MS crowd. MS Mr Angus Ogilvy and best man Peregrine Halifax in car. MS crowd. MS bridesmaids and pages at West Door of Abbey. TS the Queen Mother with King Olav and Queen Frederika of Greece. MS royal guests down aisle. TS Queen Mother with King Olav and Queen of Greece down aisle. MS Princess Margaret and Lord Snowdon arrive at West Door. MS same down aisle. MS Duchess of Kent and Princess Marina arrive at West Door. MS the Queen with Prince Philip and Prince Charles in car. MS crowd. GV Kensington Palace. MS crowd. MS pan - Princess Alexandra and the Duke of Kent in car. MS crowd. MS Princess Alexandra and Duke of Kent in car past camera. MS police holding crowds back. MS the Queen, Prince Philip and Prince Charles arrive at West Door. TS gentlemen at arms down aisle. MS banner carried down aisle. TS Queen - Duke and Prince Charles down aisle. MLS Princess Alexandra, and Duke of Kent arrive at Abbey. MS crowd. MS Princess Alexandra and the Duke get out of car at West Door. MS same at West Door. MS Mr Ogilvy with best man inside Abbey. Princess Alexandra and Duke of Kent down the aisle. MS Queen, Duke and Prince Charles inside Abbey. MS Princess Alexandra joins groom at the altar. MS the Dean of Westminster. TS toyal guests in Abbey. Zoom out - the Dean begins wedding ceremony. Zoom out - Archbishop of Canterbury performs wedding. MS royal guests. Zoom in - Archbishop performs wedding. MS Queen - Duke and Prince Charles. Zoom in - Archbishop performs wedding. MS royal guests. MS Archbishop. MS Princess Alexandra and husband going into chapel for signing the register. MS Princess Margaret and husband. MS Queen Mother and Prince Charles. MS Archbishop. MS Princess Alexandra and husband leaving chapel and pay curtsy to the Queen. TS bridesmaids and pages down aisle. Princess Alexandra and husband down aisle (2 shots). MS choir boys. MCU Princess Alexandra and husband, same outside Abbey (2 shots). BS same. MS coach draws up and Princess Alexandra and husband get in. MS horse guards. MLS coach pulls away from Abbey. GV crowds. MS coach past camera. MS crowds. MS coach past camera. CU girl in crowd with camera. MCU royal couple in coach waving to crowd. GV crowd. Zoom in - royal couple and guests at St James’s Palace. MS royal guests. MS Princess Alexandra and husband into car. MS cameraman. TS Princess Alexandra and husband drive off. End title.
Royalty; Buildings and structures; Social events; Marriages
Footage sources
Card file number
Leslie Mitchell
Length of story (in feet)
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