Movietone’s News - Reported by Lionel Gamlin: The Royal Tour


Series Name
British Movietone News


Issue No.
Date Released
27 Feb 1947
Date submitted
24 Feb 1947
Stories in this Issue:
  1. 1Movietone’s News - Reported by Lionel Gamlin: The Royal Tour


Story No. within this Issue
1 / 1
Section Title
Movietone’s News - Reported by Lionel Gamlin
MOVIETONE CARD TITLE: Royal Visit to Cape Town (2nd Consignment). DESCRIPTION: Their Majesties and the Princesses enjoy the final days aboard Vanguard in preparation for the strenuous tour ahead which starts with a great welcome from Capetown. SHOTLIST: CUT STORY: KS CU Royal Coat of Arms, superimposed with follow main. GV crew seated on big guns and lining deck. ‘Crossing the Line’ ceremony - Neptune inspects crew in fancy dress. GV procession round decks led by Neptune and Amphitrite. Elevated shot Royal Family in procession. Royal Family take their seats near ducking pool. Frank Gillard carried to ducking pool and going through various treatments. Princess Margaret in fore, Princess Elizabeth in background. Cut-in Royal Family seated watching operation. Margaret having her nose powdered. King, Queen, Princesses Elizabeth and Margaret seated on quarter deck, sea background. MS HMS Nigeria cruiser alongside - starboard. Various shots of Princesses playing deck games with naval officers, midshipmen and their ladies-in-waiting. Princesses running around the deck. Cut-in CU King and Queen (in turban type hat). More shots of games in progress. CU lovely shot of Queen, Princess Elizabeth nearly knocks Margaret over when running. GV big gun being cleaned, also sailors washing the decks. Pan LS of Capetown with Table Mountain in background. MS superstructure of Vanguard and tilt down to deck. Royal family on bridge, back view and front view, waving to crowds on quay. Panning shot of crowds on quay. MS sailors hauling in the ropes. Sailors dressing ship, pennants being hoisted into position. Gangway being attached to ship. King followed by the Queen disembark. Mr van Zyl, Mrs van Zyl and General Smuts shake hands with the King and Queen. Dignitaries being introduced to Royal Family, the former curtsy. Cut-in of crowds. Queen followed by the King enter open car, Queen waves to crowds. Drive off, through cheering crowds. Procession through streets, out of camera. Elevated shot of procession. Cut-in of crowds. Procession out of camera. SCU King and Queen seated in open car. Passing through cheering crowds, Welcome banners in streets. Alighting from car at Governor’s House, King and Queen and Princesses walk over bridge (picturesque) over stream. Royal Family walk towards camera across lawn. Elevated shot of arrival of Royal Family at Civic Reception at Grand Parade. King and Queen alight from car greeted by the Administrator, Mr Carinus; and the Mayor of Capetown, Mr Bloomberg. Royal Family seated on dais. MLS Mayor making his welcome address. MS King answering, thanking him etc. Cut-in of crowds. During Mayor’s speech the clock starts to chime. LS King making speech. King and Queen leave dais. Shots of them speaking (silent) to nurses and war wounded soldiers (at Wynberg Military Hospital). Back at Governor’s Residence, Westbrook, shots of various fashions, ladies in long flowing dresses, ostrich feathers in their hats, some styles Victorian, others Edwardian etc. (this is a Garden Party). King and Queen (Queen in semi-Victorian style) walk through avenue of guests towards camera to finish.
Card file number
De Villiers
Graham T. Thompson
K. Sara
Lionel James Gamlin
Paul Wyand
Ronald Noble
Length of story (in feet)
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