Movietone’s War Time News - Reported by Leslie Mitchell: Allies Break Through in Normandy


Series Name
British Movietone News


Issue No.
Date Released
7 Aug 1944
Date submitted
3 Aug 1944
Stories in this Issue:
  1. 1Movietone’s War Time News - Reported by Leslie Mitchell: The King in Italy
  2. 2Movietone’s War Time News - Reported by Leslie Mitchell: Allies Break Through in Normandy


Story No. within this Issue
2 / 2
Section Title
Movietone’s War Time News - Reported by Leslie Mitchell
MOVIETONE CARD TITLE: Allies Break Through in Normandy. DESCRIPTION: The occupation of Coutances by American troops was a clear pointer to the way things were going on the Western front. The British, advancing south of Caumont, began their break-through drive in the direction of Vire. SHOTLIST: Cut story - KS. Sherman tanks also trailers through streets of Periers. Shermans along country roads. GV Coutances Cathedral. GV of Coutances. Army transport, tanks etc. through streets of Avranches. American troops through streets of Avranches. Elevated shots of Shermans through streets of Avranches. On British sector, GV of Caumont, tanks through streets. AFU - British infantry through streets. Aerial shots (pans) of Periers. Coutances, & Lessay. Formations of Lancasters, aerial shots SE Caumont of bombing with fragmentation bombs, shots of explosions. More aerial shots of above three towns. LS of Typhoons in action. Bren Carriers & British troops on move, into camera. Cromwells & Churchills in country on move. LS ammunition dump exploding. Several POW brought in. GV of Caumont area, also some very good scenes of battlefield with smoke rising through shelling - very good.
Buildings and structures; Mass media; Vehicles; Health and medicine; Environment; Weapons; Aviation; Fires; Communications; Displaced persons; War damage; Prisoners of war; Censorship; Occupied territories; Engineering; Military; Religion and belief
Footage sources
Army Film Unit
British Paramount
Royal Air Force Film Unit [RAFFU]
Card file number
Leslie Mitchell
Length of story (in feet)
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