Review of the Year


Series Name
British Movietone News


Issue No.
Date Released
30 Dec 1943
Date submitted
Dec 1943
Stories in this Issue:
  1. 1Review of the Year
  2. 2Review of the Year


Story No. within this Issue
1 / 2
MOVIETONE CARD TITLE: Nearer Victory (Yearly Review). DESCRIPTION: NEARER VICTORY - 1943 Has been a year chiefly notable for the defeat of Italy and Mussolini; we look to 1944 as a year in which the worlds arch criminal Adolf Hitler will be eliminated. SHOTLIST: Cut story - KS. GS of tank on move - dusk shot in desert. Follow-main. GS of artillery firing in desert, also LS of same. CU breech. Maps of North Africa, Sicily, & Italy, shots of above filling in with series of lines as our troops occupied same, up to present day. Elevated shot of Churchill tanks along road, tanks crossing desert, explosions all around. CU feet of patrol plodding across desert. LS of aircraft on desert & pan of wreckage (aerial shot). Ammunition ship in Naples harbour blows up. Harbour being dive bombed by enemy, some direct hits being scored, fade in infantry advancing through streets of Naples. GS of wounded Yanks, wipe to British infantry advancing through streets, also marching through streets, one with umbrella over his head, GS of "Tommies" bathing in stream also washing their clothes. Italian POW filing in, also mass shots of them running in across desert, waving white flags. POW over ruins, one being told to get on other side of road. Another giving the impression "I go, I come back". Crowds of Italians fighting to get to water tap to fill jugs, bottles etc. Outside AMGOT fighting to get place in queue, Italian police try to keep order. Duce (drawing on wall) being pelted with fruit etc. by Italian population, fade to him with tin helmet on (CU of him), fade to Sicilian Fascist being brought out of prison to be questioned. Then follows nearly the complete story of "A Fascist Cringes" from Issue 744. Fade to CU of Eagle Standard, this being in Germany ?. CU Goering ? plus others I didn’t recognise. They are all addressing an audience of which there are a few cut-in shots of same. CU Hitler speaking, various angles, this is covered by Leslie Mitchell, which is to give the impression that he is translating same. Elevated shot of arena. GS of Hitler arriving at arena, to lay foundation stone, he takes, hammer, as he hits the stone, the head of the hammer falls off, the camera is stopped for a while to show you same. Night shot of streets being paraded with burning candles etc. REVIEW OF THE YEAR TAPE - BMN 353 TIMECODE IN: 00:12:02:00 OUT: 00:23:07:16
Politics and government; Buildings and structures; Ships and boats; Entertainment and leisure; Vehicles; Health and medicine; Environment; Weapons; Curiosities; Aviation; Ceremonies; Newspapers; War damage; Propaganda; Prisoners of war; Navy; Crime; Military
Footage sources
Card file number
Leslie Mitchell
Length of story (in feet)
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