War and the Camera with commentary by Lionel Gamlin: Russia Strikes Back


Series Name
British Movietone News


Issue No.
Date Released
14 Dec 1942
Date submitted
10 Dec 1942
Stories in this Issue:
  1. 1War and the Camera with commentary by Lionel Gamlin: Trailer: "Eyes on the Target" - Save Fuel
  2. 2War and the Camera with commentary by Lionel Gamlin: Road to Benghazi
  3. 3War and the Camera with commentary by Lionel Gamlin: Russia Strikes Back


Story No. within this Issue
3 / 3
Section Title
War and the Camera with commentary by Lionel Gamlin
MOVIETONE CARD TITLE: Russian News Reel. DESCRIPTION: In Russia advances are being made on the Stalingrad front as the Red Army prevent the Nazi’s from taking the city. Further north forces under General Zhukov have broken through on the upper reaches of the Volga. Finally there are pictures from the Northern Sector, where the city of Leningrad has held out against all attacks. SHOTLIST: Cut story - Tanks MS going past camera over rough road & out. Infantry going forward with explosions around them. MS soldier firing machine gun. LS Artillery firing, various angles. Artillery firing at German tank which is eventually hit & set on fire. CU tanks machine gun firing at is advances; artillery camouflaged by trees etc. firing all angles. Infantry with small cannon take protection behind ruins, firing same. Infantry charging over ruins, several are seen to fall. The above is on the Stalingrad front. Upper reaches of Volga - MS Zhukov looks at maps (interior); dusk shot of artillery firing LS; Formation of aircraft (Russian) LS Russian tanks & infantry going forward. Soldiers jump off tanks & advance behind same, crawl along with Tommy guns, through mud. Several Russians killed, surroundings burning ruins. GS soldier throws grenade. Russian civilians (locality Kondrakovo) returning from forest. CU number plate. Two women live in wrecked car, coming out of same. Small trees laid on road to assist traffic over waterlogged road. GS tank through water. Shots of remains of Kondrakovo, cinema, etc. Aerial shot of above town. Soldier knocks down signpost. Various shots of booty. Road junction, tanks signalled on by soldier. Shots of prisoners, one seventeen, another forty seven. Armoured train firing heavy guns; prisoners being marched through streets of Leningrad, one woman spits at prisoners. Russian News Reel No 66 (907ft) Location: Moscow (Front) LS of fields of wheat, with women working on same, various angle shots. At Urals, in a gunsmiths shop, large cannon being cast, lifted by crane, checking sights, painting, finished article. GS of new blast furnace under construction. Workmen assembling same. Planes returning from bombing raid, plane lands, crew are greeted. Russian sniper buried. Commissar addresses & hands dead snipers rifler to another soldier. CU inscription on butt of rifle. Through glasses you see the first Fascist killed with ‘dead man’ rifle. A soldier runs along track, enters train, delivers package to commanders & retires. Armoured train along track, its naval battery commence to fire, explosions seen through chinks in pillbox. Shattered German trenches. German prisoners walking through streets of Leningrad. CU of prisoners feet, one woman shouts & spits at soldiers, background ruined houses. For cut story see 43186. Reel 67 - Turf cutting contest; wounded soldiers marching back from front, stop at house & are given milk to drink. Colonel General Koniev looking at map. Dead Germans lying about battlefield, in trenches, mud holes etc. Smashed booty such as ammunition, artillery tanks, guns, small arms. Russian tank crew climbing into tank, this then moves off.
Buildings and structures; Entertainment and leisure; Vehicles; Health and medicine; Environment; Weapons; Aviation; Agriculture; Competitions; Railways; Social conditions; Death; Industry and manufacture; Road transport; War damage; Propaganda; Prisoners of war; Military; Funerals; Youth
Footage sources
Ministry of Information
Card file number
Lionel James Gamlin
Length of story (in feet)
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