Movietone’s War Time News - Described by Leslie Mitchell: Prime Minister in Scotland


Series Name
British Movietone News


Issue No.
Date Released
19 Oct 1942
Date submitted
15 Oct 1942
Stories in this Issue:
  1. 1Movietone’s War Time News - Described by Leslie Mitchell: General Smuts in London
  2. 2Movietone’s War Time News - Described by Leslie Mitchell: Prime Minister in Scotland
  3. *Movietone’s War Time News - Described by Leslie Mitchell: Norwich Welcomes His Majesty

* Story has local or special distribution


Story No. within this Issue
2 / 2
Section Title
Movietone’s War Time News - Described by Leslie Mitchell
MOVIETONE CARD TITLE: Churchill Receives Freedom of the City of Edinburgh. DESCRIPTION: Mr Churchill spent a few days visited the Home Fleet in northern waters. In Edinburgh he carried out an inspection of Civil Defence personnel. In the Usher Hall he was awarded the Freedom of the City. SHOTLIST: Interior shot of Usher Hall. General shot of crowds seated. CU Churchill & Lord Provost at table. Outside, shot of small crowds & traffic carrying on as usual. Churchill leaving hall gets into car with Lord Provost. Interior shots people clapping. Churchill leaning over table signing book. Churchill inspecting various units ARP, Firemen, nurses. MS Edinburgh Castle background, grounds in the fore. Churchill by car entering grounds. Police keeping crowds back. Interior general shot of hall. Churchill signing book, various angle shots. Churchill leaving by car, going through city, down Princes Street, & others not so familiar. All these shots were taken from car which proceeded Churchill’s car. Churchill standing in car. Churchill’s car through gates as it enters Princes Street. Churchill inspection policewomen, accompanied by Lord Provost. Shot of people. Scottish regiment playing bagpipes in ground. CU Churchill & Lord Provost. MS Stafford Cripps outside hall. Car through streets. Churchill standing. Lord Provost (interior) addressing people. C & Winant are sitting on his right. Churchill handed a book placed in front of him to sign. MS Churchill, Lord Provost & Winant. Illustrated with very good shots of Hitler ranting. Churchill addressing people (light poor). CU same. Prominent people present were Stafford Cripps, Mrs Churchill, Winant, Lord Provost. Churchill, the above in the order in which they were sitting on stand. Harry Lauder singing to people through mike (bad). Churchill With The Home Fleet - CARD 42963 Churchill preceded by Cripps walking down stone steps to drifter. On drifter approaching destroyer. Boarding destroyer, looking over stern of destroyer as it gets under way. Approaching Fleet, PM leaves for flagship. Flagship ‘King George V’. CU Churchill & Cripps in barge on way to depot ship. Boarding depot ship. Inspecting officers, shots from behind officers. PM addressing crew from bridge. Cripps addressing crew, also on bridge is Tovey & Burnett. PM returns to flagship, PM walking along deck as he is about to leave. Cut-ins of bugler, bosuns, side-boys. General view of Rodney as PM addresses. PM in barge, inspecting crew of "Scylla". Cat walking along barrel of large guns, being watched by some of crew. PM on top of gun turrets addressing crew, also on turret are Cripps & Burnett. GV assembled crew. PM & Tovey on deck of King George V. CU PM & Cripps down gangway, leaving King George V. PM boarding destroyer. Churchill on Carrier Victorious (flight deck) going down below. PM inspecting Marines (G of H). PM followed by Burnett walking through crew of ship. CU PM. Cripps, Tovey & Burnett on King George V? by the rail. CU PM & Cripps under heavy guns - VG. You catch a glimpse of R Churchill, leaving KGV just before his father.
Politics and government; Buildings and structures; Ships and boats; Music and dance; Health and medicine; Ceremonies; Social welfare; Civil defence; Local government; Navy; Animals; Performing arts; Military
Footage sources
British Paramount
Card file number
Leslie Mitchell
Length of story (in feet)
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