Movietone’s War Time News - Described by Leslie Mitchell: Dieppe


Series Name
British Movietone News


Issue No.
Date Released
27 Aug 1942
Date Other
Aug 1948
Stories in this Issue:
  1. 1Movietone’s War Time News - Described by Leslie Mitchell: In Memoriam HRH Duke of Kent
  2. 2Movietone’s War Time News - Described by Leslie Mitchell: Dieppe
  3. 3Movietone’s War Time News - Described by Leslie Mitchell: Trailer: "Tin Salvage"


Story No. within this Issue
2 / 3
Section Title
Movietone’s War Time News - Described by Leslie Mitchell
MOVIETONE CARD TITLE: Dieppe Raid (By Commandos) (Reconnaissance in Force). DESCRIPTION: In presenting this dramatic record of a memorable raid, let us pay tribute to the gallant men who laid down their lives in furthering the fight for freedom of the United Nations. Cameras ashore were restricted because of the intensity of the action, but these pictures fully portray the brilliant co-operation of all services in this "Reconnaissance" in Force. SHOTLIST: Cut Story: This starts with a plane taking-off from aerodrome at dawn. Ships at dawn at sea (Destroyers). Single plane flies over the sea. Scenes on aerodrome where men are seen preparing Bostons for flight (Dawn). Hurricanes take-off and in formation. Destroyers and smaller craft (war ships) laying smoke-screen. Good CU smoke pouring from funnel. ALC going towards shore, with coast-line of France in background. Various shots of landing craft and fires on the French coast. RAF plane escort and flying at sea level. Plane (?) bombs bursting in the sea. (2 shots). CU Boston in the air. Aerial shots of Bostons. Aerial shot of French ground below. Flak coming up. Bombs bursting below. Bombs dropping. Aerial shot of smoke screen. Another good CU of Boston as seen from above. Aerial shot of Dieppe and docks. Two Spitfires with American markings come in and land. American maintenance group with planes. Low flying planes (Hurricanes) over aerodrome and sea, also higher shot. Planes crash into sea, three of these (enemy?) in distance. Good shot of Spitfire crashing into sea. Good rescue shots of pilot of same being brought on board after being seen floating in the sea. Landing crafts returning and dusk shots of ships at sea and TLC in foreground, returning to shore. Sailor on TLC. Soldiers on board ALC. After raid. One or two sailors amongst them. Shots of wounded on board. Good type shots. American Commandos (rangers), several. Soldier holding up a tin, riddled with bullet holes. Disembarking wounded. Carried ashore. One man on stretcher being given a cigarette. Interviews with various soldiers query Canadians, mostly wounded. Group shot of nurses with wounded. Shot of Private with shell hole through helmet. Shot of destroyer is believed to be HMS ‘Locust’. Plus Interviews & wounded.
Buildings and structures; Ships and boats; Vehicles; Health and medicine; Environment; Weapons; Aviation; Fires; Explosions; War damage; Prisoners of war; Navy; Military; Cameramen; Newsreels
Footage sources
Army Film Unit
Royal Air Force Film Unit [RAFFU]
Card file number
Alfred A. Tunwell
Graham T. Thompson
Leslie Mitchell
Length of story (in feet)
Story extras:

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