- Link
- https://www.cmstudies.org/default.aspx
- Category
- Arts and Humanities
- Subject
- Film Studies, Media Studies
- Type of resource
- Courses, Funding, Information Sources, Journals
The Society for Cinema and Media Studies is the leading scholarly organisation in the United States dedicated to promoting a broad understanding of film, television, and related media through research and teaching grounded in the contemporary humanities tradition. SCMS encourages excellence in scholarship and pedagogy and fosters critical inquiry into the global, national, and local circulation of cinema, television, and other related media.
Record only
- Link
- https://www.istructe.org/resources-centre
- Category
- Science and Technology
- Subject
- Engineering
- Type of resource
- Courses, Organisations, Streaming/Download
The resources centre page of the website offers online courses for sale which include video components alongside slides and pdfs for download. Course titles include Understanding Structural Behaviour and Design to EC2.
- Link
- http://www.docwest.co.uk/
- Category
- Arts and Humanities
- Subject
- Film Studies
- Medium
- Film/Video
- Type of resource
- Blogs, Courses, Funding, Information Sources, Organisations
Established in 2011, the Centre at the University of Westminster, brings together an interdisciplinary network of researchers, practitioners and students to foster documentary and experimental film practices. It hosts a wide range of screenings, master-classes and conferences. The Centre offers both theoretical and practice-based doctoral degrees focusing on a variety of contexts and referencing many different documentary and experimental film traditions. It also aims to provide a platform for initiating, funding and distributing creative documentary and arts projects conceived at the intersection between academia and the industry.
Record only
- Link
- http://traumafictionhistory.org/
- Category
- Arts and Humanities, Science and Technology, Social Sciences
- Subject
- History, Psychiatry, Psychology
- Medium
- Radio/Sound
- Type of resource
- Courses, Information Sources, Podcasting, Streaming/Download
This research series, organised by Royal Holloway, University of London, School of Modern Languages, uses different formats – lectures, seminars, round tables, workshops, podcasts – to explore the notion of trauma across a wide chronological range. Podcasts include Dr Cecile Bishop talking on ‘The Truth About Amin: History and Fiction in Filmic Portrayals of Idi Amin’; Helen Vassall on ‘The Day Nina Simone Stopped Singing: Gender, War and Trauma’ and Marina Warner speaking on '"What’s Hercules to Him?" Terror, Pity and the Matter of Troy (from Homer to Alice Oswald). The site is clear and easy to use and the summary of content full and informative.
- Link
- http://flamin.filmlondon.org.uk/
- Category
- Arts and Humanities
- Subject
- Film Studies, Media Studies
- Type of resource
- AV services, Courses, Funding, Information Sources, Web Links
The Film London Artists’ Moving Image Network (FLAMIN) supports London-based artists working in moving image - whether film, video, digital or new technologies and for installation, animation, cinema, gallery exhibition, the public realm or broadcast. The Network helps artists engage with and benefit from the wide range of services, resources and opportunities that the capital has to offer. It works with other organisations to offer online resources (listings and guides covering production, exhibition, training and career development relating to moving image work), funds an Awards scene and organises regular seminars, screenings, artist talks, panel discussions and ‘in conversation’ sessions. An advice service is available for any technical or general query.
Record only
- Link
- http://scsmi-online.org/
- Category
- Arts and Humanities
- Subject
- Film Studies
- Type of resource
- Courses, Information Sources, Journals, Web Links
The Society for Cognitive Studies of the Moving Image (SCSMI) is an interdisciplinary organisation made up of scholars interested in cognitive, philosophical, aesthetic, neurophysiological, and evolutionary-psychological approaches to the analysis of film and other moving-image media. The society is on the forefront of studying how moving-image media shape and are shaped by human psychological activity. SCSMI members are interested in all moving-image-based arts and entertainments, from computer games, to video art installations, to political advertisements, to surveillance systems. SCSMI members are interested in all aspects of these arts and entertainments, as well, from music and editing to narrative structure and ideological effects. The SCSMI announces conferences and publications which further its aims,
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- Link
- https://ocw.mit.edu/courses/audio-video-courses/
- Category
- Arts and Humanities, Bio-Medical, Science and Technology, Social Sciences
- Subject
- Biology, Economics, Engineering, Environmental Studies, General Science, Medicine, Sports Science, Technology
- Medium
- Film/Video, Radio/Sound
- Type of resource
- Courses, Streaming/Download
MIT OpenCourseWare (OCW) is a web-based publication of almost all Massachusetts Institute of Technology course content. The majority of courses contain video or audio lectures. Several courses are translated into other languages. Among the many courses covered are: Neuroscience and Behaviour, Engineering Dynamics, Energy Decisions, Markets and Policies and Computational and Systems Biology.
Record only
- Link
- https://vimeo.com/movingimagestudio
- Category
- Arts and Humanities
- Subject
- Art, Film Studies, Media Studies
- Medium
- Film/Video
- Type of resource
- Courses, Streaming/Download
The Moving Image Pathway is a bespoke study route within the Fine Art School at the Royal College of Art, London available on the Vimeo site. The course supports students who work broadly with the moving image from within the context of contemporary art practice. The site hosts lectures, seminars and workshop projects held as part of the Moving Image Pathway - and similar projects that took place prior to the formation of the Pathway. These projects cover a range of histories, theories and production processes.
Moving image
- Link
- https://ifi.ie/podcasts/
- Category
- Arts and Humanities, Bio-Medical, Science and Technology, Social Sciences
- Subject
- Film Studies, History
- Medium
- Film/Video
- Type of resource
- Archives/Museums, Courses, Databases, Podcasting
The Irish Film Archive acquires, preserves and makes available Ireland’s moving image heritage. The collection is broad, aiming to reflect all aspects of indigenous film production, whether professional or amateur. It incorporates fiction, features, public information films, amateur material, documentary, newsreel, experimental film and animation. The Archive maintains a research library covering all aspects of Irish and international cinema and a Paper Collection providing primary research material on the history of Irish film. It organises film screenings courses and lectures. A small number of podcasts related to discussions of Irish cinema are streamed.
Moving image
- Link
- http://www.centerforvisualmusic.org/
- Category
- Arts and Humanities
- Subject
- Art, Film Studies, Music, Photography
- Type of resource
- Archives/Museums, Courses, Streaming/Download
The Centre for Visual Music (CVM) houses growing collections related to visual music, abstract cinema, experimental animation and avant-garde media. CVM’s archives house the world’s largest collection of resources on Visual Music. The collections (the majority freely accessible online) include film/video/digital media and related papers, books, artwork, documentation, photography and artifacts. Committed to the curation, preservation, promotion and access to these multimedia collections, the Archive holds collections of artists whose careers reflect unique aspects of cinema. CVM’s collections include preserved film material for artists including Oskar Fischinger, Jordan Belson, Mary Ellen Bute, Jules Engel, Charles Dockum, John and James Whitney, Harry Smith, Pat O’Neill, John Stehura and others. CVM organises screenings and events and from 2015 has hosted selected films and video clips at a CVM channel on Vimeo.com.
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