- Link
- https://www.youtube.com/yt/copyright/en-GB/
- Category
- Arts and Humanities, Bio-Medical, Science and Technology, Social Sciences
- Subject
- Law
- Medium
- Film/Video
- Type of resource
- Copyright
This site covers the basics for rights management on the YouTube platform, with details of how to submit (and retract) a copyright infringement notification, advice on fair use, information about Content ID, and other useful information.
Moving image
- Link
- http://microwave.filmlondon.org.uk/
- Category
- Arts and Humanities
- Subject
- Film Studies, Media Studies
- Medium
- Film/Video, Radio/Sound
- Type of resource
- Copyright, Courses, Funding, Organisations, Podcasting, Streaming/Download, Web Links
Funded by Film London and the BBC, this site aims to be the key web destination for those interested in filmmaking on a micro-budget. A series of videos with industry experts aims to take would-be filmmakers through all the stages of the process and offers a comprehensive introduction to legal matters, finance and budgets, selling and distribution, post-production and exhibition, to name just some of the areas covered. There is information on sales and distribution, festivals, location shooting, cross media strategies, and a comprehensive guide to the various sources of funding available. A series of recordings from events held at Film London’s Microschool is available in podcast form, featuring lectures and talks on location filming, music, screenwriting, casting and working with actors to name but a few. The site also provides news on the latest in the independent film-making sector, an excellent links page and has a Get Inspired section, covering films which have been funded by the Microwave scheme. An essential port of call for all low-budget filmmakers, or anyone considering a career in the industry.
Moving image
- Link
- http://www.vtstutorials.co.uk/
- Category
- Arts and Humanities, Bio-Medical, Science and Technology, Social Sciences
- Type of resource
- AV services, Copyright, Information Sources
This website offers free tutorials aimed at helping those in Higher Education develop Internet research skills. The site includes three online tutorials created in conjunction with JISC Digital Media, designed to help students, teachers and support staff to find, evaluate and use still images, audio, and video and moving image material, considering in the process questions of copyright and licensing, as well as more technical/practical questions of usage and application and also giving pointers to sites which provide content with the education sector in mind, such as itunes U. In addition to the general tutorials, users can search for tutorials tailored to their particular subject.
Record only
- Link
- http://www.industrytrust.co.uk/
- Category
- Social Sciences
- Subject
- Law, Media Studies
- Medium
- Film/Video, Radio/Sound
- Type of resource
- Copyright, Information Sources
The Industry Trust works with its member companies (from film studios to retailers) to spread the word about the positive role of copyright. The Trust’s website contains a Q&A on the Digital Economy Act, links to the best and most trusted legal download sites and "FindAnyFilm.com", as well as a copyright clinic, a summary of the 1988 Copyright, Designs and Patents Act in relation to DVD and film piracy, and advice on copyright theft.
Record only
- Link
- http://www.web2rights.com/OERIPRSupport/index.html
- Category
- Science and Technology
- Subject
- Computing, Education, Technology
- Medium
- Film/Video, Radio/Sound
- Type of resource
- AV services, Blogs, Copyright, Information Sources, Streaming/Download, Technology
The aim of this project, delivered by JISC Legal, Web2Rights Ltd and Creative Commons UK, is to provide intellectual property rights and licensing support for JISC/HEA funded OER Phase 2 projects, in order to help them identify and manage IPR issues with particular emphasis on the use of Creative Commons Licences. The range of advice and information sources produced are also freely available and of value to other open educational resource projects. A starter pack and diagnostic tools are available, and the website also hosts a blog for the discussion of relevant issues.
Record only
- Link
- https://www.webarchive.org.uk/wayback/archive/20150703194636/http://www.jisclegal.ac.uk/
- Category
- Social Sciences
- Subject
- Business Studies, Education, Law
- Medium
- Film/Video
- Type of resource
- Copyright, Information Sources, Streaming/Download
Legal Guidance for ICT Use in Education, Research and External Engagement. JISC Legal is now inactive but can still be accessed in its archival form
Record only
- Link
- http://cadair.aber.ac.uk/dspace/handle/2160/3710
- Category
- Science and Technology
- Subject
- Information Studies, Law, Media Studies
- Type of resource
- AV services, Archives/Museums, Copyright
The purpose of this online learning object is to explore the Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) that may be within multimedia items, and to highlight some of the complications and considerations that need to be taken into account before a deposit of this type can be made into a repository.
Following two short introductions to multimedia and to copyright, questions are then posed on some of the details of copyright within varying item types. Feedback on, and an explanation to, the question’s answers are given. Also included is a short exercise looking at what needs to be taken into consideration before allowing a performance video item into a repository. The learning object concludes with a look at Performers’ Rights and highlights what repository staff should be aware of in regard to this IPR within potential repository deposits.
The material of this learning object has been adapted from the interactive ‘Multimedia Deposits: Complications and Considerations’ presentation given at the 2009 Gregynog Colloquium WRN Repository Stream.
Record only
- Link
- http://www.footageinfo.com/
- Category
- Arts and Humanities
- Subject
- Film Studies, Media Studies
- Medium
- Film/Video
- Type of resource
- Copyright, Databases, Information Sources, Web Links
Business-orientated website hosted by John Flewin for his media archives consultancy company Tanmedia (Television, Archives and New Media), and which was previously known as Tanmedia.com. It is updated several times a week and it provides information on media archives and libraries world-wide, as well as articles on issues such as copyright and the latest corporate information. It provides links to dozens of commercial libraries.
Record only
- Link
- http://bufvc.ac.uk
- Category
- Arts and Humanities, Bio-Medical, Science and Technology, Social Sciences
- Subject
- Archaeology, Drama, Education, Film Studies, General Science, History, Media Studies, Politics and Government, Radio Studies
- Medium
- Film/Video, Radio/Sound
- Type of resource
- Copyright, Courses, Databases, Distributors, Information Sources, Organisations, TV/Radio listings, Video Sources, Web Links
The BUFVC promotes the use of moving images and related media in UK higher education and research. The site includes access to a number of databases: Find DVDs, the Researcher’s Guide Online (RGO), News on Screen (incorporating BUND, the British Universities Newsreel Database), Television & Radio Index for Learning and Teaching (TRILT), BoB - Box of Broadcasts, several Independent Radio Collections and TV Times 1955-1985 (TVTiP). There is information on BUFVC courses and conferences, educational films for sale, details of BUFVC publications, and news and events covering the BUFVC and its member institutions.
Moving image
- Link
- https://ec.europa.eu/avservices/ebs/whatsebs.cfm
- Category
- Social Sciences
- Subject
- Current Affairs, Politics and Government
- Medium
- Film/Video, Radio/Sound
- Type of resource
- Archives/Museums, Copyright, Footage Sources, Information Sources, Producers/Broadcasters, Streaming/Download
The European Union’s TV news agency Europe by Satellite (EbS) is a service providing coverage of EU affairs for TV and radio professionals. The programmes are available live in German, French and English and the archive section allows access in several more languages. An effective back-up service is also available in the web archive, which allows emergency meetings and press conferences to be retransmitted. Additional information includes detailed schedules of political broadcasts and re-transmissions. This content is available for on-demand viewing (Real and Flash) and most of it also for download in a variety of bandwidths. Links to other websites, and information on use and access are also provided in a comprehensive and easy to understand manner. A huge advantage of this website is that material may be used free of charge and free of rights for educational purposes.
Moving image