- Link
- https://www.theskepticsguide.org/
- Category
- Science and Technology
- Subject
- General Science, Technology
- Medium
- Film/Video, Radio/Sound
- Type of resource
- Discussion Lists, Information Sources, Podcasting, Streaming/Download, Web Links
Popular and long-running science podcast dedicated to promoting critical thinking, reason, and the public understanding of science through online and other media. There are two types of podcasts: a longer version, in a magazine format and a short one called 5x5 in which five sceptics talk for five minutes about news in the world of science and pseudoscience The site also links to a YouTube channel where past podcasts have been adapted to the YouTube format. Includes a forum, a news section and a useful list of logical fallacies.
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- Link
- http://watchknowlearn.org/
- Category
- Arts and Humanities, Bio-Medical, Science and Technology, Social Sciences
- Subject
- Art, Biology, Dance, Drama, Education, Film Studies, General Science, Geography, History, Mathematics, Music, Nature, Physics, Social Studies, Technology
- Medium
- Film/Video
- Type of resource
- Footage Sources, Streaming/Download
This American website links to over 50,000 free educational videos, organised according to more than 5,000 categories. The videos, which are selected mainly for use in primary and secondary schools, can be searched according to the site’s own taxonomy which is presented in an easy to use tree of hierarchies. Users can also search by keyword and filter by age level.
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- Link
- https://science360.gov/files/
- Category
- Science and Technology
- Subject
- Biology, Chemistry, Engineering, General Science, Genetics, Mathematics, Medicine, Physics, Technology
- Medium
- Film/Video
- Type of resource
- Streaming/Download
This American site, which is sponsored by the National Science Foundation, presents the latest videos on science, engineering, technology and mathematics. The material is aggregated from universities, colleges and scientific bodies, as well as the National Science Foundation itself. The videos are organised into ten main topics, from Astronomy and Space to Technology and Engineering. A Series page presents a range of series on a broad range of scientific topics. Some of the series are from the National Science Foundation, others from other scientific bodies, universities and research institutions; all entries are accompanied by useful introductions and summaries.
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- Link
- https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p02b8t1k
- Category
- Arts and Humanities, Science and Technology, Social Sciences
- Subject
- General Science, History, Social Studies, Technology
- Medium
- Radio/Sound
- Type of resource
- Courses, Streaming/Download
This site accompanies a major sixty part series broadcast from October 2014 on Radio 4. A joint collaboration by the BBC and the Open University, the series presents a wide-ranging foray into the history of ideas according to scientists, philosophers, linguists, and religious and political thinkers. The programmes are accompanied by a series of short but cleverly designed animations, voiced by Gillian Anderson and Harry Shearer, each of which presents a snapshot view of a particular philosophical problem or idea. Current themes include the nature of freedom, knowing wrong from right, the origins of the universe, has technology changed us and what makes us human. The Open University also has a page devoted to the series, with links to the animations themselves as well as to other relevant textual and audiovisual resources from Open University academics and researchers.
- Link
- http://www.loc.gov/today/cyberlc/index.php
- Category
- Arts and Humanities, Bio-Medical, Science and Technology, Social Sciences
- Subject
- American Studies, Art, Drama, Film Studies, Information Studies, Languages, Literature, Politics and Government, Social Studies, Technology
- Medium
- Film/Video, Radio/Sound
- Type of resource
- Archives/Museums, Streaming/Download
These webcasts consist of lectures and talks by experts, academics, researchers and archivist. The Library of Congress has many different sites, collections and projects, covering a wide range of subjects: all are well-represented here and have been divided into eight broad subject areas: Biography, History, Performing Arts, Education, Government, Poetry and Literature, Religion and Science & Technology. Users can narrow their searches further within these broad headings, according to project/site/collection eg. The American Folklife Center, the Music Division, the Digital Future and You project, to name but three. The webcasts come with a brief description, date when uploaded and fully searchable transcripts. There is also a section for recently added webcasts. Although the talking head format is slightly old-fashioned the content is good and its searchability makes it a useful and user-friendly resource.
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- Link
- https://www.thenbs.com/knowledge/video
- Category
- Science and Technology
- Subject
- Architecture, Engineering, Law, Technology
- Medium
- Film/Video
- Type of resource
- Streaming/Download, Video Sources
The NBS (National Building Specification) produces specification products for the construction industry, to be used by architects and other building professionals when describing the standards and materials of a construction project. The videos, which are streamed for free viewing, can be browsed by Topic area (Regulations and Standards, Building Services, Building Information Modelling, Sustainability, Contracts & Law, and Health & Safety). Users can also filter their searches according to discipline: Architects, Civil Engineers, Planners and Surveyors.
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- Link
- http://www.science-animations.com/
- Category
- Science and Technology
- Subject
- Engineering, General Science, Mathematics, Physics, Technology
- Medium
- Film/Video
- Type of resource
- Streaming/Download
A collection of Flash animations featuring games, tutorials, and demonstrations in science, technology and mathematics. The animations cover thermodynamics, waves, gravity, gears, fluid mechanics, pneumatics, mathematics and electricity.
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- Link
- http://omegataupodcast.net/
- Category
- Science and Technology
- Subject
- Computing, Engineering, General Science, Mathematics, Physics, Technology
- Medium
- Radio/Sound
- Type of resource
- Podcasting, Streaming/Download
A podcast which covers a range of subjects in science and engineering. The episodes are in either English or German (ie. they’re not bilingual). All episodes are published under the Creative Commons Non-Derivative Licence 3.0. The podcast is wide-ranging, covering computer science, artificial intelligence, game theory, astronomy and antimatter.
- Link
- https://www.fisher.co.uk/index.php/en/media-lab-videos
- Category
- Bio-Medical, Science and Technology
- Subject
- General Science, Technology
- Medium
- Film/Video
- Type of resource
- Streaming/Download, Video Sources
Thermo Fisher Scientific is a biotechnology and laboratory supplies company. They stream a selection of video content on the Media Lab page of their website, and although a high proportion of this is promotional material for lab equipment, there are also videos which could be used in an educational context. These include lectures and seminars by the likes of Professor Robert Winston, Heinz Wolff, Judith Hann and gerontologist Aubrey de Grey. The videos are all free to view.
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- Link
- http://www.pebblemill.org/
- Category
- Arts and Humanities
- Subject
- Media Studies, Radio Studies, Technology
- Medium
- Film/Video, Radio/Sound
- Type of resource
- Producers/Broadcasters, Streaming/Download, TV/Radio listings, Video Sources
This excellent resource documents the history of Pebble Mill Studios in Birmingham, from the building’s opening in 1971 to its demolition in 2005. The site features video interviews, stills and text about the history of the studios, with contributions from production staff, including directors, editors, producers, writers and camera operators. Amongst those interviewed are David Rudkin, who wrote the acclaimed Play for Today ‘Penda’s Fen’, who talks here about working with director Alan Clarke.
Searchable Transmission lists give a chronology of drama broadcast from BBC Pebble Mill between 1972-200. The listings include drama series Thirty Minute Theatre, Playhouse and Play for Today, listing transmission date, writer, producer and director. A slight caveat for users is that the material is presented in the form of a blog, so that entries are arranged chronologically, which can make searching difficult. The material is, however, broadly arranged in three categories: ‘Building’, ‘Television’ and ‘Radio’. The site was created by Vanessa Jackson, who worked at Pebble Mill from 1987 to 2004. She is currently (2014) Degree Leader in Television at Birmingham City University: the site is part of a research project to document programme making in the regions, and was been funded by Screen West Midlands. For copyright reasons no footage from the original BBC programmes is available on the site.
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