- Link
- https://www.chomsky.info/index.htm
- Category
- Social Sciences
- Subject
- American Studies, Languages, Media Studies, Politics and Government, Social Studies
- Type of resource
- Reviews, Video Sources, Web Links
The official website of American linguist, cognitive scientist and political theorist and activist, Noam Chomsky. Simply designed and clearly laid out, the site has biographies, a bibliography and links to transcripts of interviews, articles, interviews and reviews. The Audio and Video page has hundreds of links to recordings of talks, interviews and speeches with Chomsky, dating back to the early 1970s, including this debate, filmed at the Eindhoven University of Technology in 1971, between Chomsky and French philosopher Michel Foucault on the subject of human nature.
Record only
- Link
- https://postalmuseum.org
- Category
- Arts and Humanities, Social Sciences
- Subject
- Art, Design, History, Politics and Government
- Medium
- Radio/Sound
- Type of resource
- Podcasting
The British Postal Museum and Archive has a series of podcasts on aspects of the British postal service. Some focus on philately and design, looking at how the work of artists such as Eric Ravilious and Barnett Freedman has shaped public perception of the Post Office. Other podcasts consider social and political aspects of the Post Office’s history. In one example Tony Benn speaks about how he created the National Girobank during his time as Postmaster General. In another Dr Katherine Rake speaks about an incident in 1909 when two suffragettes posted themselves to 10 Downing Street, in an attempt to deliver a message personally to Prime Minister Herbert Asquith.
Record only
- Link
- http://podacademy.org/
- Category
- Arts and Humanities, Social Sciences
- Subject
- Current Affairs, Film Studies, Literature, Media Studies, Politics and Government, Social Studies
- Medium
- Radio/Sound
- Type of resource
- Blogs, Podcasting
A platform for podcasts covering the arts, social sciences, business and economics, and science and the environment, this independent, not-for-profit initiative was set up in 2011 by a group of academics, journalists and IT specialists and aims to keep abreast of research in the academy as well as work that throws light on events in the news, thus combining rigorous scholarship with an up-to-the-minute accessibility. Recent podcasts include Laura Mulvey’s Death 24x a second in which she analyses the relationship between stillness and the moving image in cinema; an interview with Angela Phillips, Reader in Journalism at Goldsmiths, University of London and chair of the ethics committee of the organisation, Media Reform on the background to the Leveson Inquiry; and a look at Youth unemployment in the UK with author Callum Biggins who has written about the subject for the London-based liberal think tank CentreForum.
All the podcasts are accompanied by a full transcript and the site also features a blog and links to other educational sites.
Record only
- Link
- http://www.learnhigher.ac.uk/groupwork//index.php
- Category
- Social Sciences
- Subject
- Social Studies
- Type of resource
- Streaming/Download
Hosted by the LearnHigher website, this video resource is designed to help students and teachers understand and overcome the challenges of group work projects. It takes the form of a dramatised case study - divided into ten episodes - which follows the progress of a group of students who have been randomly selected to work together to develop a presentation entitled ‘The barriers to learning’. Each episode focuses on a particular challenge, such as planning, allocation of tasks, dealing with conflict within the group, coping with a tutor who has poor communication skills and a final section in which each student summarises their view of the experience, both good and bad. Some of the episodes are accompanied by a follow-up video which analyses what has taken place and profers alternative scenarios. and videos are accompanied by a variety of textual hints and tips designed to facilitate discussion.
Record only
- Link
- http://www.vtstutorials.co.uk/
- Category
- Arts and Humanities, Bio-Medical, Science and Technology, Social Sciences
- Type of resource
- AV services, Copyright, Information Sources
This website offers free tutorials aimed at helping those in Higher Education develop Internet research skills. The site includes three online tutorials created in conjunction with JISC Digital Media, designed to help students, teachers and support staff to find, evaluate and use still images, audio, and video and moving image material, considering in the process questions of copyright and licensing, as well as more technical/practical questions of usage and application and also giving pointers to sites which provide content with the education sector in mind, such as itunes U. In addition to the general tutorials, users can search for tutorials tailored to their particular subject.
Record only
- Link
- http://www.open.ac.uk/library/library-resources/ou-study-materials
- Category
- Arts and Humanities, Bio-Medical, Science and Technology, Social Sciences
- Type of resource
- Databases
The Open University online library catalogue contains details of the whole range of resources produced to support OU courses since they began in 1971. By using the "Format" drop-down menu on the advanced search screen of the Library Catalogue link it is possible to find all the audio, video or computer materials produced for courses in a particular subject area. Entries are quite detailed in the amount of content information they give. Print and audio-visual materials from modules currently offered by the Open University are available to browse in the Library, and archive materials from discontinued modules are available to view by appointment. The OpenLearn website gives free online access to some OU teaching materials.
Record only
- Link
- http://www.documentaryfilms.net/
- Category
- Arts and Humanities, Social Sciences
- Subject
- Film Studies
- Medium
- Film/Video
- Type of resource
- Databases, Discussion Lists, Information Sources
Founded in 1998 and relaunched in 2006, this site provides documentary film information and resources to both viewers and filmmakers. Run by volunteers and enthusiasts, the site is community-based, encouraging users to add information on documentary films, festivals, events and resources to relevant sections of the site and discuss issues in the Forum. In addition, Documentary Films.Net provides information on documentaries via sections entitled: Film Central reviews, film releases, updates on upcoming films, and essays on various aspects of documentary films); Resource and Festival Directory; Film Directory (a documentary review database to which anyone can contribute).
Record only
- Link
- http://www.radiolistings.co.uk/index.html
- Category
- Arts and Humanities, Bio-Medical, Science and Technology, Social Sciences
- Subject
- Radio Studies
- Medium
- Radio/Sound
- Type of resource
- Information Sources, TV/Radio listings
RadioListings is an episode guide to the speech based programmes broadcast by the BBC, compiled by enthusiast Paul Wells. There are details for some musical programmes, and some listings for other stations, but the main focus is on scripted speech. Currently there are details for over 33,000 programmes, from 1949 to the present day, though the bulk are from 1997 onwards when the BBC put its schedules online. The main index by the programme name but more limited searching is also possible by credits and date of broadcast. The database is updated weekly and revised daily. The majority of data is obtained via a feed from the BBC and this is supplemented by information from other sources.
Record only
- Link
- http://www.industrytrust.co.uk/
- Category
- Social Sciences
- Subject
- Law, Media Studies
- Medium
- Film/Video, Radio/Sound
- Type of resource
- Copyright, Information Sources
The Industry Trust works with its member companies (from film studios to retailers) to spread the word about the positive role of copyright. The Trust’s website contains a Q&A on the Digital Economy Act, links to the best and most trusted legal download sites and "FindAnyFilm.com", as well as a copyright clinic, a summary of the 1988 Copyright, Designs and Patents Act in relation to DVD and film piracy, and advice on copyright theft.
Record only
- Link
- http://www.arabmediawatch.com/amw/
- Category
- Social Sciences
- Subject
- Geography, Media Studies, Politics and Government, Religious Studies
- Medium
- Film/Video, Radio/Sound
- Type of resource
- Information Sources, Organisations
Arab Media Watch is a UK-based organisation that feels Arabs have long been misrepresented, under-represented and negatively stereotyped in Western media and film. Britain is no exception. They believe that the advent of the internet and satellite broadcasting provides a unique opportunity to educate and inform public opinion and that AMW has filled a vital niche in striving for objective British coverage of Arab issues, be they political, economic, cultural or social. Main activities include: - monitoring and analysing the British media (there is a BBC Watch group) as well as helping journalists and editors with research, information and interviews, and producing monitoring studies of coverage in newspapers, magazines, TV, radio and websites. The website also gives listings of relevant forthcoming and previously broadcast radio and television programmes.
Record only