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The population of the world is growing faster now than at any other time in history: the UN projects that it will double in 60 years. Any other animal community which grows at an unprecedented rate will...
A seven-part series with each programme presenting a personal view of a major issue, followed by responses from grass-roots groups in different countries, and concluded with discussion relating the issue to...
The largest human experiment in history is being carried out in China, but at what cost? Populated by a billion people, a quarter of the world’s population, China is faced with a major reduction in its...
Looks at world population figures and states that each country must be looked at individually to see what the problems are. Problems facing those teaching birth control in developing countries are discussed.
Looks at attitudes and changes in an area of Kenya, which is experiencing one of the world’s fastest rates of population growth. Based on research by Joseph Ssennyonga as part of the ‘Cross cultural...
A short video introduces the problem of understanding population growth over time in the UK and Mexico, and the logarithm needed to solve it is explained in an accompanying animation. NB This is just one...
Video recording of a 60-minute talk by Professor Albert Bartlett based on his paper, "Forgotten Fundamentals of the Energy Crisis," originally published in the American Journal of Physics, and revised in the...
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