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A guide to the information, advice and support available from the Department of Trade and Industry and the Foreign and Commonwealth Office for exporters and potential exporters, with country-specific...
Discusses clean production and the benefits of cleaner production techniques, including cost savings and the reduction of environmental impact. Intended to introduce staff to the necessity for clearner...
Intended to communicate the seriousness and urgency of the year 2000 date change issue for computer systems to all levels of an organisation. In three parts: 1) Year 2000 managers from major companies quote...
Outlines the design, modelling and implementation issues of flexible manufacturing cells and systems (FMS) in compter integrated manufacture (CIM). The presenter and various industrial contributors...
Series outlining the design, modelling and implementation issues of concurrent/simultaneous engineering systems (CE/SE), using case studies from major manufacturers.
A distance learning package to assist industry in complying with the EC Directive on Electromagnetic Compatibility 89/336/EEC. The 8 videos and associated texts provide a comprehensive coverage of the...
The development of renewable energy is being encouraged by creating a protected market under the Non Fossil Fuel Obligation. With developers capitalising on this incentive, local planners must consider a...
Shows how modern technology in enabling farms to become power producers by tapping sources of renewable energy. Farmers describe their experiences of generating energy from biofuels (including wood...
Explains how the likely visual impact of wind turbines and wind farms can be evaluated and shows that the subjective nature of visual impact assessments is complex and open to a wide variety of...
Independent but complementary video-based packs for teaching French language and culture, filmed on location in France and Belgium.
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