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A look at the environmental impact assessment requirements for an urban design project in Barking Reach and how the landscape and visual impact, transportation, and ground condition issues influenced the...
For chartered surveyors the discovery of archaeological remains on site can often have a huge impact on the development process in terms of both cost and time. PPG16 details the way in which the...
Introduction to the theory and practice of using a theodolite, comprising tutorial, animation and test sequences. Intended for self-study and preparation for practical. Three hours of teaching material.
A simulation of groundwater flow through water-retaining structures. A CAL simulation of the activities undertaken by a tema of surveyors. The user acts as the manager of the team. When used in conjunction...
Electronic theodolites produce quick and reliable measurements and they are now widely used on construction sites. This tape shows the operation of a Sokkia DT5 electronic digital theodolite which has a...
Gives the viewer the nearest thing to hands-on experience with a gyrotheodolite. Explains in detail the process of operation, observation and computation associated with the determination of the azimuth...
Distance measure is perhaps the most fundamental of all measureing techniqukes in surveying. But teaching it can be difficult, not least because of the time needed to demonstrate the wide range of equipment...
Although the Hilger and Watts 20-inch reading theodolite has been largely suyperseded in surveying work, it is still commonly used for teaching purposes. This step-by-step guide shows how to set up and level...
Explains the principles and demonstrates the practical techniques of levelling. A Wild NKI tilting level is used for fieldwork. The principles, the booking of readings and the subsequent calculations are all...
Explains the principles and importance of marketing for surveyors, who are operating in an increasingly competitive environment.
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