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An interactive tutorial for the study of epilepsy. Covers: the causes and classification of seizures, seizure mechanisms, screening for potential anti-seizure drugs, anti-seizure drugs, and ‘status...
Looks at the new scanning techniques that provide increasingly detailed information about brain function; these are leading to new methods for repairing the brain after it breaks dow through trauma, disease...
Examines Tourette’s syndrome, a brain disorder characterised by muscular and vocal tics as well as obsessive behaviours. Looks at the difficulty of diagnosing the condition, and the imperfect understanding...
Looks at the new experimental treatments for neurological illnesses. A treatment for Parkinson’s disease involves tissue from the patient’s kidney being inserted into his brain. Another technique,...
Lesson 7 in a series of ten lectures about the human brain, presented by Professor Jan Schnupp. This lecture looks at the basal ganglia and their role in regulating activity of the brain’s motor systems....
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