Darfur: Between the Lines
- Synopsis
- Reports from Al Fasher, once a sleepy desert town of 40,000 but today home to 100,000 refugees and 10,000 UN personnel. The film captures the desperation of daily life in Al Fasher’s sprawling Abu Shouk refugee camp and travels outside Abu Shouk into rebel held areas to show the realities of surviving in remote villages. We also follow the charismatic leader of the hybrid UN force, General Martin Luther Agwai, on a mission as he helicopters into hostile areas coaxing rebel leaders to join together into fewer movements and engage in the peace negotiating process.
- Language
- English
- Country
- Great Britain
- Year of release
- 2009
- Year of production
- 2008
- Subjects
- Social Studies; Geography
- Keywords
- civil war; refugee camps; Sudan; peace initiatives; Dafur
- Director
- Jeremy Jeffs
- Producer
- Sally Thomas
Distribution Formats
- Type
- Format
- Region 2 PAL
- Price
- £12.99
- Availability
- Sale
- Duration/Size
- 50 minutes
- Year
- 2011
Production Company
- Name
Maya Vision International
- nfo@mayavisionint.com
- Web
- http://www.mayavisionint.com/ External site opens in new window
- Phone
- 020 7796 4842
- Fax
- 020 7796 4580
- Address
- 3rd Floor
6 Kinghorn Street
Record Stats
This record has been viewed 515 times.