Chemistry Introductions
- Synopsis
- A series of short, films by undergraduates in chemistry at the University of Warwick introducing a range of core themes and theories including the Morse Potential, choosing a solvent system, Ligand binding iron (III) and thiocyanate, kinetics of iodination of cyclohexanone, determination of quinine concentration and fluoresence quenching, and polymerization of methyl methacrylate.
- Language
- English
- Country
- Great Britain
- Year of release
- 2009
- Year of production
- 2009
- Subjects
- Chemistry
- Keywords
- chemistry
Online availability
- Price
- free
- Delivery
- Streamed/Download
- Name
University of Warwick Podcasts
- Web
- External site opens in new window
Record Stats
This record has been viewed 512 times.