Midsummer’s Nightmare, A
- Synopsis
- Science fiction television series that follows the adventures of a group of mismatched fugitives from the Lexx, a living, insect-shaped aircraft. This episode is loosely based on Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream. It shows crew members Stanley and Kai transporting Xev’s corpse to the Feast of Mograth in order to have her reanimated. Upon arriving at the feast they are ensnared in Oberon’s devious plot to marry someone (anyone). Kai is rendered defenceless by Oberon’s powerful magic. He is turned into a happy, joyful, tree-thing. While revived Xev successfully turns down Oberon, Stan, initially tempted, decides that Oberon is perhaps not his type. Titania saves the day by tricking Oberon into marrying her/him again for eternity.
- Series
- Lexx
- Language
- English
- Country
- Canada; Germany
- Medium
- Television
- Technical information
- Colour / Sound
- Notes
- The episode is part of the Lexx: Series 4, Vol. 3 DVD available online at amazon.com.
The archive copies held by the BUFVC and British Film Institute are off-air recordings from the UK Channel 5 transmission. The episode was originally broadcast in Canada on 24 October, 2001. - Subjects
- Drama
- Keywords
- Shakespeare, William (1564-1616); Science fiction (television)
- Director
- Chris Bould; Paul Donovan (2)
- Producer
- David Marlow; Paul Donovan (2)
- Cast
Big Mick Brian Downey Jeffrey Hirschfield Michael McManus Patrick Gordon Tim Frances Tom Gallant Xenia Seeberg
Production Company
- Name
Chum Television
- Name
BFI National Archive
- Web
- http://www.bfi.org.uk/archive-collections/searching-access-collections/research-viewing-services External site opens in new window
- Phone
- 020 7255 1444
- Fax
- 020 7436 0165
- Address
- 21 Stephen Street
- Name
Learning on Screen Off-Air Recording Back-up Service
- services@bufvc.ac.uk
- Web
- http://bufvc.ac.uk/tvandradio/offair External site opens in new window
- Phone
- 020 7393 1514
- Fax
- 020 7393 1555
- Address
- For Learning on Screen Members only
77 Wells Street
- Name
Online Retailer
- Name
- Web
- http://www.amazon.com External site opens in new window
Record Stats
This record has been viewed 199 times.