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  1. Bob Video for Cemp (2009)

    Emma Savage
    Education; Information technology; Media studies

    A 3-minute video, produced within the Centre for Excellence in Media Practice at Bournemouth University, on the use of BoB (Box of Broadcasts) for making and archiving digital recordings of television...

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  2. Taming of the Shrew, The (1988 Video)

    Chris Wensley

    Exploration of the stage history and interpretation of The Taming of the Shrew. Includes workshop performances and discussion of some of the central speeches. Contributors include Dr Jonathan Miller, RSC...

    Shakespeare Shakespeare Shakespeare productions Shakespeare productions Record only Record only
  3. Globe Theatre reconstruction (1994)

    News report; Interview

    Tanya Hines reports on the reconstruction of Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre on Bankside near Southwark Bridge in London which the public will be able to tour from tomorrow. Includes interviews with John...

    LBC IRN LBC IRN Radio Radio Online Online Audio Audio
  4. Ocean Sound This Week No.1: Programme 1 of a weekly news and sports review (1986)

    OCEAN SOUND THIS WEEK NO. 1 Programme 1 of a weekly news and sports review called Ocean Sound This Week, broadcast by independent radio station Ocean Sound on 17th October 1986. Presented by GUY HORNSBY....

    ILR South ILR South Radio Radio Online Online Audio Audio
  5. TV Times Index

    17 Sep 2018, 12:00
    Post Type

    TVTiP provides a unique searchable index to the London edition of the TVTimes, the listings magazine for ITV broadcasts, from September 1955 to March 1985. TVTiP allows users to search for programmes,...

    Other Other Record only Record only
  6. Looking at Language Classrooms (1996 Video)

    Sale, Videocassette. Standard formats. col. 4 x 60 min., 2004 sale: £199.00 (+VAT +p&p)

    A video-based teacher development package presenting a range of authentic language classrooms recorded on location. Different classes are shown carrying out normal activities with their usual teachers.

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  7. Interpersonal Skills Module for Nursing Students (1996 Multimedia)

    Medical sciences

    A teaching and learning package for nursing students covering core aspects of interpersonal skills development. The approach is based on five elements: review, integration, preparation, practice, assessment;...

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  8. Interpersonal Skills Module for Social Work Students (1996 Multimedia)

    Social welfare

    A teaching and learning package for social work students covering core aspects of interpersonal skills development. The approach is based on five elements: review, integration, preparation, practice,...

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  9. Research Methods 1 (1996 Multimedia)

    Medical sciences; Social welfare

    A teaching and learning package offering a theoretical and practical overview of research methods and then focus on aspects of research that are relevant to the intended user group,including research...

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  10. Face Recognition (2013)

    Sale, DVD (Region 0 PAL, 24 minutes), £39.00

    The way we make assessments about many people every day is by looking at their face. Faces tell us basic information such as gender, approximate age and possible ethnicity. But we also learn to read faces to...

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