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81-90 of 92 results | Page 9 of 10
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  1. Interpersonal Interactions / Team Building (1994 Video)

    Roger Penfound; Hugh Phillips; Francis Sealey
    Business studies
    Sale, Videocassette. VHS. col. 42 min.

    Part 1 (29 min): Looks at interpersonal skills between a middle manager and a junior manager where the former needs to establish a relationship which will over time lead to improved performance by the...

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  2. Dental Phobia (1987 Video)

    Michael Paul
    Sale, DVD (Region 2 PAL, 50 minutes), £35.00

    Shows David Simons, dentist and hypnotist, working with a patient who is phobic about seeing a dentist. Considers the theory of behavioural desensitisation and conditioned response re-learning as it applies...

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  3. Hypnosis in Dentistry (3 Parts) (1984 Video)

    Sale, DVD (Region 2 PAL, 56 minutes), £45.00

    Three programmes in which David Simons, dentist and hypnotist, examines the range of fact and feeling associated with the theory and use of hypnosis in medicine. 1: Considers the history and theory of...

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  4. Understanding Asperger Syndrome (2000)

    Education; Medical sciences; Psychology; Social welfare
    Sale, VHS (30 minutes), £30.55

    The purpose of the video is to provide help for parents of newly diagnosed or potentially diagnosable children; for their teachers as they struggle to understand them in the classroom; and for child health...

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  5. Big Blow for Copd, A (1999 Video)

    Penny Webb
    Penny Webb
    Medical sciences
    Sale, Videocassette. VHS. col. 15 min., 2000 sale: £12.95 (inclusive)

    A clinical study module for nurse training that improve the contribution of the primary care team to the early diagnosis and effective care of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) in...

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  6. Cystic Fibrosis (2001)

    Medical sciences
    Sale, VHS (20 min), £35.00

    Cystic Fibrosis is an autosomal recessive condition which results in severe respiratory, digestive and other health problems. Although management has improved considerably in the past 20 years it is still a...

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  7. Cc2: Planning, Managing and Implementing Community Care (1995 Video)

    Social welfare
    out of distribution, Videocassette. VHS. col. 30, 12 min.

    Videos from Part 2 of a three-part complete community care distance-learning courses for individuals or agencies, leading to University of Dundee’s Certificate in Community Care Studies.

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  8. Connecting Lives

    Social welfare
    Sale, DVD (Region 2 PAL, 25 minutes), £75.00

    A DVD-based training pack designed to help anyone who wants to run a series of groupwork sessions about emotional and relationship issues, for staff and volunteers who work with vulnerable and socially...

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  9. Population Pressure: Mexico City - A Case Study in Urbanisation and Development (4 Parts) (1995 Video)

    Environmental science; Geography
    Sale, Videocassette. VHS. col. 26 min., 1999 sale: £30.00 (+VAT +p&p)

    Looks at issues of population growth, migration and urbanisation, using Mexico as a case study. 1: Population change is produced by the difference between birth rate and death rate, and also by migration....

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  10. Fatal Decision, A (1996)

    Civil Engineering & Building; Health & safety
    Sale Hire, VHS (PAL, 18 minutes), £35.25 (hire) £105.75 (sale)

    A confined space is any place such as a chamber, tank, pit or sewer that by virtue of its enclosed nature presents a foreseeable risk from hazard. By failing to follow important regulations on working in...

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81-90 of 92 results | Page 9 of 10
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