British Universities Film & Video Council

moving image and sound, knowledge and access


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  1. Rose et la Hache, La (2005 Video)

    aka: Rose and the Axe, The

    Georges Lavaudant

    Carmelo Bene’s production of Richard III re-created and directed by Georges Lavaudant.

    Shakespeare Shakespeare Shakespeare productions Shakespeare productions To order To order
  2. Hamlet (2010 Video)

    Nikolai Kolyada

    Video recording of Nicolai Kolyada’s production of Hamlet in which the text is literally torn apart. Kolyada covers the stage with found objects and transforms the play in a fantastic pagan celebration....

    Shakespeare Shakespeare Shakespeare productions Shakespeare productions To order To order
  3. Roi Lear (1996 Video)

    aka: King Lear

    Georges Lavaudant

    Video recording of Georges Lavaudant’s production of King Lear with Philippe Morier-Genoud in the title role.

    Shakespeare Shakespeare Shakespeare productions Shakespeare productions To order To order
  4. Peines d’Amour Perdues (1995 Video)

    aka: Love’s Labour’s Lost

    Laurent Pelly

    A video recording of Laurent Pelly’s 1995 production of Love’s Labour’s Lost for Le Cargo-CDN. With Pascal Elso as the King of Navarre and Jean-François Sivadier as Berowne.

    Shakespeare Shakespeare Shakespeare productions Shakespeare productions To order To order
  5. Romeo et Juliette (2011 Video)

    aka: Romeo and Juliet

    Olivier Py

    Video recording of Olivier Py’s 2011 staging of Romeo and Juliet with Matthieu Dessertine and Camille Cobbi in the title roles.

    Shakespeare Shakespeare Shakespeare productions Shakespeare productions To order To order
  6. Hamlet (Un Songe) (2006 Television)

    aka: Hamlet (A Dream)

    Georges Lavaudant; Don Kent

    A televised version of Hamlet created by Georges Lavaudant with Ariel Garcia Valdes in the title role. Don Kent directs for television.

    Shakespeare Shakespeare Shakespeare productions Shakespeare productions To order To order
  7. Richard III: A Bollywood Musical (2003 Video)

    Serge Tampalini

    Video recording of a Bollywood musical version of Richard III first staged at Murdoch University, Australia in 2003.

    Shakespeare Shakespeare Shakespeare productions Shakespeare productions To order To order
  8. Tragedies of Shakespeare: A Video Commentary, The (1987 Video)

    Educational videotape. An examination of the theatres of Shakespeare’s time and an analysis of the stories, characters and themes in Shakespeare’s tragedies. Suzanne L. Wofford, Assistant Professor of...

    Shakespeare Shakespeare Shakespeare productions Shakespeare productions To order To order
  9. Cabaret Hamlet (2009 Video)

    aka: Ham. And Ex

    Matthias Langhoff

    Video recording of Matthias Langhoff’s production of Cabaret Hamlet. Langhoff sits his audience at café tables in front of two asymmetric stages, where Horatio becomes a female, Horatia; Ophelia is not a...

    Shakespeare Shakespeare Shakespeare productions Shakespeare productions To order To order
  10. Richard III (1986 Television)

    Raoul Ruiz
    Roland Thomas

    French television recording of the stage production of Richard III directed by Georges Lavaundant for the Avignon Festival. Directed for television by Raoul Ruiz with Ariel Garcia-Valdes in the title role.

    Shakespeare Shakespeare Shakespeare productions Shakespeare productions To order To order
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