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  1. Romeo and Juliet (1974 Radio)

    English by Radio

    Radio programme. In this 17-part weekly series, David Rush discusses various aspects of the play. Focussing on one section at a time, he analyses the themes, imagery and language in relation to other...

    Shakespeare Shakespeare Shakespeare productions Shakespeare productions Record only Record only
  2. Theatre Programme [27/03/1946] (1946 Radio)

    aka: Donald Wolfit and Rosalind Iden

    Theatre Programme
    Felix Felton; Ayton Whitaker

    First of a new fortnightly theatrical review magazine commissioned for radio by the BBC Light Programme. The theatre star invited to perform his favourite part for this episode is Shakespeare actor Donald...

    Shakespeare Shakespeare Shakespeare productions Shakespeare productions Record only Record only
  3. Life and Love of William Shakespeare, The (2016 Film)

    William Marshall (1)
    William Marshall (1)

    As William Shakespeare begins writing his latest play alongside memoirs, he is struck by a wave of contemplation regarding his deteriorated marriage to his wife Anne Hathaway. He then draws inspiration by...

    Shakespeare Shakespeare Shakespeare productions Shakespeare productions Record only Record only
  4. Falstaff (1935 Radio)

    Verdi’s opera relayed from the Festspielhaus, Salzburg in co-operation with the Austrian Broadcasting Company. The Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra is conducted by Arturo Toscanini.

    Shakespeare Shakespeare Shakespeare productions Shakespeare productions Record only Record only
  5. Billy Shakespeare (2014 Film)

    Deborah Voorhees

    Feature film. What if William Shakespeare never existed... until now. Billy Shakespeare is caught in a love triangle of confused sexuality, cross dressing, mistaken identity, and bedroom trysts. Does...

    Shakespeare Shakespeare Shakespeare productions Shakespeare productions Record only Record only
  6. Bride for a Bard (1952 Radio)

    Double Bill
    Cleland Fin

    Radio play about Shakespeare’s family written by Marjorie Rowling. Set in the sitting-room of John Shakespeare’s house, the play takes place on the evening of November 27, 1582.

    Shakespeare Shakespeare Shakespeare productions Shakespeare productions Record only Record only
  7. Theatre Programme [28/03/1947] (1947 Radio)

    aka: A Plain Man’s Guide to Shakespeare

    Theatre Programme
    Ayton Whitaker; Peter Watts

    In anticipation of Shakespeare’s birthday the theme of the theatrical review programme is ‘methods of appreciating Shakespeare’. Following the performance of a satirical sketch and a short discussion...

    Shakespeare Shakespeare Shakespeare productions Shakespeare productions Record only Record only
  8. Many Faces of Romeo and Juliet, The (1967 Television)

    Bell Telephone Hour, The
    Clark Jones
    Dan Launsbery

    Musical series featuring classical and Broadway music. This episode presents four versions of the balcony scene from Romeo and Juliet performed in the theatre, opera (Gounod), ballet (Prokofiev) and the...

    Shakespeare Shakespeare Shakespeare productions Shakespeare productions Record only Record only
  9. 'Summer Theatre’ Presents: Will Shakespeare (1947 Radio)

    aka: An Invention

    Summer Theatre
    Peter Watts

    Radio adaptation of the play which was originally written for the stage by British playwright Clemence Dane (1888-1965). The plot links Shakespeare and the ‘Dark Lady’ of the sonnets with the mysterious...

    Shakespeare Shakespeare Shakespeare productions Shakespeare productions Record only Record only
  10. Merry Wives of Windsor, The (1928 Radio)

    Nicolai’s comic opera broadcast on radio with verse recitations by Heinrich Proch. The Wireless Chorus and Symphony Orchestra is conducted by Percy Pitt.

    Shakespeare Shakespeare Shakespeare productions Shakespeare productions Record only Record only
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