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Spring in a Small Town GB. DVD. BFI Video. 94 minutes + 20 minutes extras. £19.99 About the Reviewer: Dr. Sabrina Qiong Yu is Senior Lecturer in Chinese and Film Studies at Newcastle University. Her...
Preservathon: Audiovisual Preservation Storage Solutions 25 to 26 June 2014 Turin, Italy Rai Museo della Radio www.prestocentre.org/events/preservathon/storage-2014 The PrestoCentre Preservathons are...
On Thursday 16th December 2010 the BUFVC launched its National VHS Register initiative for off-air recordings. [caption id="attachment_7482" align="alignright" width="170" caption="Image courtesy of Mark...
The London Transport Museum website now features a small selection of films that can be viewed online. Drawn from its substantial collection of films, most notably documentaries made by British Transport...
Dr. Ieuan Franklin and Kristin Skoog are writing a report for Bournemouth University on radio archives/collections in the UK. As part of this they have set up two online surveys (see below) It aims to...
EmbedPlus allows users to seamlessly and freely upgrade video embeds with useful features that the standard player does not currently offer. Given a YouTube link it will generate enhanced embed code that...
One of our current projects is to cross-link all the newsreel films currently available on Newsfilm Online (NfO) with those stories in the News on Screen database. This would include all the Gaumont...
The project team offers warm thanks to a small army of friends and colleagues whose support of the project has been instrumental in its success, from those whose research informs the landscape in which we...
5 million digital objects from 19 of Europe’s leading research and university libraries will be added to Europeana, the European digital library, as part of a two-year project funded by the European...
Learning on Screen’s Gateway includes over 1,950 websites relating to moving image and sound materials. These have been subdivided into over 40 subject areas. To suggest new entries or amendments, please...