Join the National VHS Register

On Thursday 16th December 2010 the BUFVC launched its National VHS Register initiative for off-air recordings.

Image courtesy of Mark Sardella

Image courtesy of Mark Sardella

The initiative aims to provide HE and FE institutions across the UK with an economical and comprehensive solution to the retention, disposal and migration of unique, and sometimes irreplaceable, off-air VHS recordings. It comes in response to the growing disposal of video held in older formats by libraries across the UK.

Many libraries have invested substantially in off-air recording and its licensing over the past few decades. Some of these recordings are extremely valuable and may in fact be the only copy available.

The initiative is currently open to all BUFVC member institutions.  For information about how to join this exciting initiative, please click here, read our FAQs or contact the project coordinator Frazer Ash by email.

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