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Decision makers presented by Richard Bath on citizens’ band (CB) radio (also known as open channel radio). Interviews with Tommy Tucker, Andy Donovan, James Bryant, Patrick Wall, Timothy Raison, junior...
Theo Yard, chairman of the National Committee for the Legalisation of Citizens Band Radio (NCLCBR), on the long-awaited consultative document produced by the Government on the future of CB in the UK. Male...
Theo Yard, chairman of the National Committee for the Legalisation of Citizens Band Radio (NCLCBR) on the announcement by Home Secretary, William Whitelaw regarding the legalisation of CB in the UK. Male...
Report on comments made by Timothy Raison, Minister of State at the Home Office, about the Government’s proposed legalisation of Citizens Band or Open Channel radio. Male reporter not identified.
Vivian White presents a phone-in programme discussing left-handedness; the government proposal to legalise CB radios; letter from David Steel, Liberal Party leader offering a coalition with the Labour Party;...
This week’s edition of Our Kind of Town is presented by Rodney Bennett. In the first part he visits the food and wine festival at Alexandra Palace and talks to organiser Tony Stopani(?); Paulo Jop(?) from...
Tom Maddocks presents this After Eight special investigating alternative radio stations in London and legislation and control of them. Speaking are: Mark Ashton? and Steve Ego? (names changed for protection)...
Report on disagreements over the choice of FM frequency for legalised CB radio rather than AM. Includes interview with protest organiser John Taylor. Male reporter not identified.
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