Our kind of town

Our kind of town
Interview; Documentary; Music
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Our Kind of Town. Host, Richard Robbins visits the Burlington Arcade, Piccadilly. Contributors include Clive Allen, Chairman of the Burlington Arcade Association; Michael Hall, tailor; Robert Bruce and Sandy McDougal, Beadles; Ted Jones, PR Officer; Miss Swayles(?), shop proprietor, who recounts the tale of the arcade poltergeist; Julian Goacher(?), tobacconist; Leslie Inwoods, Director of Lords; Brian Noble Jones, shop proprietor. Includes pre-recorded musical tracks: Burlington Bertie from Bow, sung by Ella Shields; With A Little Bit of Luck, sung by Stanley Holloway; Big Spender, sung by Shirley Bassey; Piccadilly, by sung Hetty King; Wouldn’t It Be Lovely, sung by Julie Andrews. Programme ends during music. Short break in recording where news bulletin edited out.
Robert Bruce; Richard Robbins; Clive Allen; Michael Hall; Sandy McDougal; Ted Jones; Miss Swayles(?); Julian Goacher(?); Leslie Inwoods; Brian Noble Jones
London; Paranormal phenomena; Smoking; Women; Fashion; Shops; Tobacco; Shopkeepers; Clothing; Piccadilly; Shopping centres; Clothes shops; Tobacconists; Arcades; Burlington Arcade; Beadles; Tobacco pipe trade; Stanley Holloway

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