Labour conference - Summing up

Labour conference - Summing up
News report; Speech; Music
TX Date
Oct 1984
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Summary of the Labour Party conference in Liverpool with issues including the miners’ strike, black sections in the party, non-nuclear defence policy, criticism of Conservative Government. Speaking are: NUM President Arthur Scargill; miners’ leader Terry Thomas; Labour leader Neil Kinnock; Eric Hammond, EETPU union leader; miner’s widow Muriel Williams; Denis Healey, former Chancellor; Alex Kitson of Labour NEC; delegate Elaine Foster; deputy leader Roy Hattersley; Rodney Bickerstaffe, NUPE union leader. Chairman Eric Heffer. Ends with singing of the Red Flag. The reporter is Richard Dallyn.
Eric Heffer; Arthur Scargill; Roy Hattersley; Denis Healey; Neil Kinnock; Alex Kitson; Richard Dallyn; Muriel Williams; Eric Hammond; Rodney Bickerstaffe; Terry Thomas; Elaine Foster
Politics; Labour Party; Strikes; Labour disputes; Margaret Thatcher; Police; Conservative Party; Political conferences; Liverpool; Violence; Political parties; Conferences; Equal opportunity; Racial discrimination; Policing practice; Coal miners; Prime ministers; Nuclear weapons; Black peoples; Nuclear disarmament; Defence policy; Missiles; Government policy; Coal Strike (1984-1985); Strikes (events)

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