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SHOTLIST: 1. GV deported Russians entering ferry boat. [18 ft] 2. LS ferry crossing water, skyscraper in background. [5 ft]
SHOTLIST: 1. MS barrels being rolled toward camera. [11 ft] 2. Two GVs of barrels being loaded onto boat. [18 ft]
Fanned by 60-miles-an-hour gale, flames quickly consumed great lumber yard and vast quantities of rubber.
New altitude record for women created.
A walking encyclopedia. Though she hasn’t been to college, what she knows not, isn’t knowledge.
Huge fire on Jersey City’s warfront rages over a quarter of a square mile. Thousands of tons of wheat and hundreds of head of cattle destined for Britain are destroyed in the blaze.
Jersey City fire destroys wharf buildings and warehouses in huge blaze.
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