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NoS synopsis: Chelsea Veterans Gardening
NoS Summary - Kathleen Dorian and her daughter Joan dance in a garden. NoS synopsis: "Dance poses by Miss Kathleen Dorian." "Three teeny weeny years ..." A mother and daughter in ballet tutus pick flowers on...
Pathe Intertitles - "In which the Amalgamated Society of Quilt Makers (Unlimited) assist Eve to create something useful." "First they beat the cotton into downy fluff". "Incidentally the "downy ones" sing at...
Pathe Intertitles - "Last week Ignatz the Mouse - in conspiracy with the Krazy Kat - stole a chicken from the cook by frightening him. His ghostly experiences did not end there - worse to come/" ""You’re...
Pathe Intertitles - Tea gowns are as varied, and require the dress designer’s art in just as great a degree as the more "public" clothes. And models, such as these "Itylus" tea gowns in gold lame and...
Pathe Intertitles - "By Phyllis Haylor and Alec Millar, (Holders of Wolrd’s Ballroom Championship 1925 and World’s Tango Championsip 1924)." "Few dances have aroused so much controversy as the...
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