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  1. American Radio History Streaming

    Arts and Humanities, Social Sciences
    Media Studies, Radio Studies
    Type of resource
    Databases, Journals, TV/Radio listings

    This site offers a vast amount of information about broadcasting history, covering (despite the name) television and radio, mainly in the USA and Canada but also venturing as far afield as the UK and Australia. Of particular value to researchers are the wide range of digitised, searchable periodicals and journals which, although the main focus of the site is on the early days of broadcasting also stretch as far as the 21st century. NB. It is not clear to what degree rights have been cleared for some of the material on this site. David Gleason, who maintains the site, operates on a basis of ‘if the owner of the material complains I will take it down’ - rather than seeking permission beforehand.

    Other Other Record only Record only
  2. TV Tropes Streaming

    Arts and Humanities
    Advertising, Film Studies, Literature, Media Studies, Music, Radio Studies
    Type of resource
    Databases, Information Sources, Lists

    This entertaining and informative site attempts to categorise, index and contextualise tropes - storytelling devices or conventions - as they appear in television programmes, films, games, music, literature, and other media. There are four main indexes: Genre Tropes, Media Tropes, Narrative Tropes and Topical Tropes. Each of these main headings is further subdivided so that under the Narrative Trope heading, for example, one can explore Characters, Conflict, Motifs Settings etc., down to a microscopic level of detail. The site began in 2004, primarily focusing on the television series ‘Buffy The Vampire Slayer’. Since then it has vastly expanded its scope to cover most types of media. Users can explore by series or trope. Each series entry features a list of tropes associated with that series, whereas users exploring by trope (British Teeth, for example) will find a list of that trope’s appearance in television, film, literature etc. Although the approach is often humorous the site represents an invaluable resource for anyone interested in exploring or analysing the building blocks of storytelling and narrative construction, in any medium, but particularly television.

    Other Other Record only Record only
  3. Reply All Streaming

    Science and Technology, Social Sciences
    Information Studies, Media Studies, Radio Studies, Technology
    Type of resource
    Blogs, Podcasting, Streaming/Download

    Ostensibly about how people shape the internet and how the internet shapes people, this popular podcast approaches technology from a human-interest angle. Hosted by PJ Vogt and Alex Goldman, the enthusiasm and knowledge of the hosts ensures that this is a very listenable and useful resource for information about internet culture and all aspects of the online world, covering a wide range of topics. Weekly episodes are free and also available on iTunes

    Other Other Online Online Audio Audio
  4. Radio Plays and Radio Drama Streaming

    Arts and Humanities
    Drama, Radio Studies
    Type of resource
    Information Sources, TV/Radio listings

    An amateur enthusiast site offering differing levels of comprehensiveness on BBC radio drama. There is information on radio drama by decade from 1943 to date giving title, series, basic credits and transmission times. More recent entries are fuller with information taken and edited from Radio Times. Searches can be made by author, producer, year and theme. There are reviews, articles and lists of missing programmes, BBC World Service Drama radiography is a work in progress compiled by Barry Hodge.

    Other Other Record only Record only
  5. An International Database of Shakespeare on Film, Television and Radio Streaming

    Arts and Humanities
    Dance, Drama, Film Studies, Literature, Music, Radio Studies
    Film/Video, Radio/Sound
    Type of resource
    Databases, Information Sources, TV/Radio listings, Video Sources

    An extensively researched and authoritative online database of Shakespeare-related content in film, television, radio and video recording. It is international in scope and regularly updated currently holding over 8,000 records dating from the 1890s to the present day. This resource was created through a three-year Resource Enhancement grant from the Arts & Humanities Research Council. The Database encompasses not only ‘straight’ productions of the plays but also parodies, plot borrowings, documentaries, and Shakespeare as represented in music, mime and dance.

    Other Other Record only Record only
  6. Archive on 4 Streaming

    Arts and Humanities, Science and Technology, Social Sciences
    Radio Studies
    Type of resource
    Archives/Museums, Streaming/Download, TV/Radio listings

    Archive on 4, previously The Archive Hour, is a BBC Radio 4 series which compiles audio clips from the station’s archives around a different theme in each edition. A variety of guest speakers, with a connection to the week’s subject, present the show. An archive of past editions (from 2010) is available on BBC iPlayer. Topics are wide-ranging: recent episodes (July 2015) include ‘Spoken Like a Woman’ in which Anne Karpf explores the way in which women have shaped the sound of British radio; ‘Destroyer of Worlds’ which discusses how Britain discovered the first atomic bomb, only to lose it to the Americans, and ‘The Devil’s Horn’ in which jazz musician Soweto Kinch talks on the history of the saxophone.

    Other Other Online Online Audio Audio
  7. Ian McKellen Website Streaming

    Arts and Humanities
    Drama, Radio Studies
    Film/Video, Radio/Sound
    Type of resource
    Blogs, Reviews, Streaming/Download

    The website of actor Ian McKellen, one of the first actors in Britain to establish his own website and blog. The site is comprehensive and informative on his work on stage, screen and radio. Some radio performances are streamed, there are clips from some films and television programmes and links to Amazon where a film or television production is commercially available.

    Other Other Online Online Moving image Moving image Audio Audio
  8. Wellesnet: the Orson Welles Web Resource Streaming

    Arts and Humanities
    Film Studies, Media Studies, Radio Studies
    Film/Video, Radio/Sound
    Type of resource
    Blogs, Information Sources, Streaming/Download, Web Links

    Founded in 2001 by Jeff Wilson Wellesnet is an online source of definitive and thoroughly researched information about the life, career and work of Orson Welles. A filmography provides links to DVD retailers. Select scenes and rare footage are streamed (for example VOODOO MACBETH (1936) at the Federal Theatre. Screenplays are available online. Many radio plays and appearances are streamed including the Mercury Theatre in the Air series. There is a messageboard giving information about unfinished films, retrospectives, books and DVD releases and links to other websites with relevant content.

    Other Other Online Online Moving image Moving image Audio Audio
  9. Paley Center for Media Streaming

    Arts and Humanities, Social Sciences
    American Studies, Media Studies, Radio Studies
    Film/Video, Radio/Sound
    Type of resource
    Archives/Museums, Blogs, Streaming/Download

    The Paley Center for Media is a not-for-profit cultural organisation based in New York and Los Angeles, which is dedicated to fostering an ongoing dialogue about the significance of television, radio and new broadcasting technologies on the lives of media professionals and the public. The centre’s media collection contains over 160,000 television and radio programmes and advertisements, searchable through an online database which offers synopses, along with production credits for the programmes. Although most of the collection is not online there is, nonetheless, a lot of freely available interesting audiovisual content, made accessible via a selection of curated online exhibitions on the site’s Perspectives on the Collection page. This page feature hand-picked clips and programmes chosen by the centre’s curatorial team, which are presented with contextual essays and notes. The range of subjects covers the whole spectrum of US media history - particularly the post-war period, with interesting items on everything from the media’s role in the Cuban Missile Crisis, to a history and appreciation of Rod Serling’s classic science fiction series The Twilight Zone.

    Other Other Online Online Moving image Moving image Audio Audio
  10. Public Domain Review Streaming

    Arts and Humanities
    Art, Film Studies, Literature, Radio Studies
    Film/Video, Radio/Sound
    Type of resource
    Streaming/Download, Web Links

    An online journal dedicated to celebrating and disseminating interesting public domain content. The strength of the collection lies in its scholarly but imaginative curatorial focus, which is on the ‘surprising, the strange and the beautiful’. The site’s content is organised according to Image, Audio, Film and Books. The moving image content features newsreel clips, fiction films, home movies, industrial and public information films and propaganda films. Each film is accompanied by a short contextual essay, giving the provenance of the clip, and links to its parent archive, copyright information and download options. There is a search function but the site is really designed for browsing and it is easy to become absorbed in the gems on offer.

    Other Other Online Online Moving image Moving image Audio Audio
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