- Link
- https://www.bl.uk/sisterhood
- Category
- Arts and Humanities, Social Sciences
- Subject
- Politics and Government, Social Studies, Women’s Studies
- Medium
- Film/Video, Radio/Sound
- Type of resource
- Archives/Museums, Databases, Information Sources, Streaming/Download
What is a feminist? This site presents an extensive response to that question in the form of a well-curated oral history archive of the lives of British feminists. The fruit of a Leverhulme funded research initiative, the project’s researchers interviewed 60 feminists who were active in the Women’s Liberation movement in the UK in the 1970s, 1980s and 1990s.
The site features interviews with women arranged around a number of themes, including Activism, Equality and Work, Education, Politics and Legislation, Race, Place and Nation, Sex, Love and Friendship, Bodies, minds and spirits, Family and Children, Changing Cultures and the Arts and Who we Were and Who we Are. The audio clips on this site have been extracted from longer interviews which are available in their entirety at the British Library.
Other resources on the site include Biographies page with profiles of prominent members of the British feminist movement, including academics, writers and broadcasters such as Beatrix Campbell, Sheila Rowbotham and Jenni Murray. An interactive Timeline begins in 1961 and charts the significant social and political events (and legislation) of the times alongside landmark episodes in the women’s movement. The material on this site is a fraction of what was recorded for the project: much more is available at the British Library.
Moving image
- Link
- https://www.circuit.org.nz
- Category
- Arts and Humanities
- Subject
- Film Studies, Media Studies
- Medium
- Film/Video, Radio/Sound
- Type of resource
- Databases, Podcasting, Streaming/Download
Founded in 2012, this arts agency supports and represents moving image practice in New Zelaland. The online resource streams over 700 videos by some 100 New Zealand artists. The collection is searchable by artist, title, year and keyword. Extensive clips of the works are available online for research and study purposes. The site also presents a fortnightly podcast hosted by Mark Amery, who is joined by local guest curators, writers and artists to dissect recent exhibitions and events in the world of local and international moving image. The podcast was launched in 2013, and the archive now contains over 80 programmes of approximately 30 minutes each. A recent addition to their podcast collection is an interview with Scottish filmmaker Luke Fowler on which he talks about his filmed portraits of experimental musicians, the revolutionary potential of the past and the responsibility of the spectator.
Moving image
- Link
- https://www.wri.org
- Category
- Science and Technology
- Subject
- Agriculture, Development Studies, Environmental Studies, Food, Geography, Nature
- Medium
- Film/Video, Radio/Sound
- Type of resource
- Databases, Podcasting, Streaming/Download
WRI is a global research organisation with over 700 experts and staff whose work focuses on six critical issues at the intersection of environment and development: climate, energy, food, forests, water, cities and transport, and ocean. The WRI produces short videos to communicate their research and impact. They serve as visual, non-technical entry-point into the work they do. The site also offers access to three other vast resources: Presentations, where experts talk about their research; Data Library with maps, charts, data sets, infographics and other visual resources which can be searched by type, topic or geography; and Data Platforms, which provides open access to reliable data for those interested in monitoring forests with satellites, tracking the drivers of climate change, understanding indigenous communities’ land rights, planning for water scarcity, and examining the cross-section of global environmental issues.
Moving image
- Link
- http://fungi.myspecies.info/
- Category
- Bio-Medical
- Subject
- Botany, Environmental Studies, General Science, Nature
- Medium
- Film/Video
- Type of resource
- Databases, Information Sources, Lists, Web Links
The importance of fungi for all aspects of life on Earth and the size of the fungi kingdom, which is six times larger than the kingdom of plant species, makes research in this little studied field crucial: for example, last year a new species of fungi was discovered in Pakistan which is capable of digesting and breaking down plastic; this could be a part of the solution to the global challenge of clearing plastic in oceans and on the land. The Fungi and Lichens website provides technical (but approachable) accounts of the current status of species in the British Isles, including descriptions, images, distribution data, ecology and conservation information. It is aimed at those with a serious interest in fungi, either as natural historians or professional biologists. The project is run by the Mycology Department at Kew Gardens who has just published the 2018 State of the World’s Fungi report.
Moving image
- Link
- https://www.climatewatchdata.org/
- Category
- Science and Technology
- Subject
- Development Studies, Environmental Studies, Nature, Technology
- Medium
- Film/Video
- Type of resource
- Blogs, Databases, Information Sources, Lists, Organisations, Web Links
A free online platform designed to provide advanced researchers with the open climate data, visualizations and resources they need to gather insights on national and global progress on climate change. The platform, managed by the World Resource Institute, brings together dozens of datasets for the first time and allows users to analyse and compare the Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) under the Paris Agreement, access historical emissions data, discover how countries can leverage their climate goals to achieve their sustainable development objectives, and use models to map new pathways to a lower carbon. The site can be searched by Countries, Economic sector, Nationally Determined Contribution, Global Historical Gas Emissions and Future Scenarios, where users can model projections of emissions.
Moving image
- Link
- https://syrianarchive.org/en
- Category
- Social Sciences
- Subject
- Current Affairs, Media Studies
- Medium
- Film/Video
- Type of resource
- Databases, Streaming/Download
This database was created by two Berliners to document and catalogue atrocities in the Syrian war. As of March 2017 the site has records of nearly 4,000 separate incidents, accompanied by video footage and indexed according to ten categories, including Violation of children’s rights; Use of illegal weapons; Unlawful attacks and Alleged Civilian Casualties from Russian attacks. The resource is intended for journalists, researcher, human rights organisations, activists and any group with an interest in the conflict. It is also intended to function as a repository of evidence for future historians. The United Nations, Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch, as well as lawyers and activists around the world, have all made use of the archive. This article on the Deutsche Welle website, features comments from the site’s creators, who talk about their reasons for making it, along with some of the problems they have faced, particularly the difficulties of verifying sources in a war zone
Please note: the nature of this resource means that some of the footage is extremely graphic.
Moving image
- Link
- https://search.alexanderstreet.com/avon
- Category
- Arts and Humanities, Bio-Medical, Science and Technology, Social Sciences
- Subject
- American Studies, Architecture, Art, Business Studies, Design, Environmental Studies, Film Studies, History, Literature, Media Studies, Medicine, Music, Politics and Government, Psychology, Religious Studies, Social Studies, Social Welfare, Women’s Studies
- Medium
- Film/Video
- Type of resource
- Databases, Streaming/Download
Academic Video Online: Premium is the largest and most comprehensive video subscription available to libraries. It delivers more than 50,000 video titles spanning all academic subject areas including anthropology, business, counselling, film, health, history, music, and more. More than 12,000 titles are exclusive to Alexander Street. From Jan 1 2016, it includes the new “AVON-to-Own” feature, where subscribing libraries receive perpetual rights to videos they select at the end of each annual term commensurate with the amount of the subscription, using an entire year of usage data to support selections. Subscribing libraries also receive Alexander Street’s Media Hosting Service at no charge.
Moving image
- Link
- http://arcticcentre.ulapland.fi/afbare/default.aspx#.V39ZOj_sL9k
- Category
- Science and Technology
- Subject
- General Science, Geography, Geology, Nature
- Medium
- Film/Video
- Type of resource
- Archives/Museums, Databases, Streaming/Download
The Arctic and Barents Documentary Film database contains information on over 35,000 films made in or about the Arctic held by the archives of the Russian TV companies GTRK Murman, TV Pomorye and Finnish broadcaster YLE. Detailed information with scene by scene description and a digitised preview (in avi format) is available for more than 1000 films, but researchers wishing to view the films in their entirety will have to travel to the University of Lapland.
Moving image
- Link
- http://www.caribbeanfilm.com/
- Category
- Arts and Humanities
- Subject
- Film Studies, Women’s Studies
- Medium
- Film/Video
- Type of resource
- Databases, Festivals, Information Sources, Streaming/Download, Web Links
Launched in 2015, this resource is the largest single source of information on films produced in and about the Caribbean, featuring information on more than 500 films from the English, Dutch, French and Spanish-speaking Caribbean. Entries feature, synopsis, production details, brief credits and cast information and most are accompanied by excerpts or trailers. The focus is on contemporary film, so most of the films are post-2000 but a Classic Films section includes films reflecting the region’s rich cinematic history, from well-known titles like The Harder They Come to less widely recognised examples such as Haïti, le chemin de la liberté, the first Haitian feature film. The database features examples from the Caribbean diaspora, so films set in the UK, such as Babylon also feature. A section on Caribbean Women in Film highlights the work of female directors and a there are also links to information about film festivals, film schools and a bibliography.
Moving image
- Link
- https://www.bcdb.com/
- Category
- Arts and Humanities
- Subject
- Film Studies
- Medium
- Film/Video
- Type of resource
- Databases, Discussion Lists, Information Sources, Reviews, Streaming/Download
The BCDB project began in 1996 as a list of Disney animated features on creator Dave Koch’s personal computer. In response to increasing interest in the material, the DataBase went online in 1998 as a searchable resource dedicated to compiling information about cartoons, including production details such as voice actors, producers, and directors, as well as plot summaries and user reviews. Other features include news items related to the animation industry and an image gallery, which allows users to see images of various cartoon characters taken from popular films. Many films are streamed on the site.
Moving image