- Link
- https://www.responseable.eu
- Category
- Science and Technology
- Subject
- Agriculture, Biology, Botany, Environmental Studies, Food, Nature
- Medium
- Film/Video
- Type of resource
- Streaming/Download
Funded by the European Commission’s Horizon 2020 programme, ResponSEAble’s aim is to encourage Europeans to get more interested in their oceans and improve their understanding of the complex human-ocean relationship. The project has developed the ocean literary tools for different audiences including Educators, Citizens, Policy Makers, Professionals and Scientists. The tools consist of videos, a learning game, a series of weminars and a Key Stories section which provides clear examples around six issues: Eutrophication and agriculture, Ballast water and invasive alien species, Sustainable fisheries and aquaculture, Microplastics and Cosmetics, Costal Tourism and Marine Renewable Energy.
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- Link
- https://www.wri.org
- Category
- Science and Technology
- Subject
- Agriculture, Development Studies, Environmental Studies, Food, Geography, Nature
- Medium
- Film/Video, Radio/Sound
- Type of resource
- Databases, Podcasting, Streaming/Download
WRI is a global research organisation with over 700 experts and staff whose work focuses on six critical issues at the intersection of environment and development: climate, energy, food, forests, water, cities and transport, and ocean. The WRI produces short videos to communicate their research and impact. They serve as visual, non-technical entry-point into the work they do. The site also offers access to three other vast resources: Presentations, where experts talk about their research; Data Library with maps, charts, data sets, infographics and other visual resources which can be searched by type, topic or geography; and Data Platforms, which provides open access to reliable data for those interested in monitoring forests with satellites, tracking the drivers of climate change, understanding indigenous communities’ land rights, planning for water scarcity, and examining the cross-section of global environmental issues.
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- Link
- http://www1.wfp.org
- Category
- Bio-Medical, Science and Technology, Social Sciences
- Subject
- Agriculture, Environmental Studies, Food, Geography, Social Studies, Women’s Studies
- Medium
- Film/Video
- Type of resource
- Information Sources, Streaming/Download
The World Food Programme is one of the leading humanitarian organisations, delivering food assistance in emergencies and working with communities to improve nutrition. Free short videos are available via their website and these are organised into four categories: Video Stories, Corporate, Public Service Announcement and Video News Releases. There is also a wide range of educational and research material (e.g. factsheets, case studies, discussion papers, etc) on Climate change, Disaster Risk Reduction, Gender Equality, Nutrition and Sustainable Livelihood and Ecosystems. Users can search all the resources by Publication or Video type, Topic, Country and Year.
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- Link
- https://www.countrysideclassroom.org.uk/
- Category
- Bio-Medical, Social Sciences
- Subject
- Agriculture, Education, Environmental Studies, Food
- Medium
- Film/Video
- Type of resource
- Courses, Information Sources, Lists, Organisations, Streaming/Download, Web Links
The aim of this organisation is to promote the best educational resources in food, farming and environment in the UK. The website contains a wide range of content gathered from a significant variety of contributors. Resources can be searched by Key stage/Age, Curriculum Subject, Theme, Type and Format. The Multimedia option offers a selection of videos and short films on subjects including how the agricultural industry works, careers in horticulture, the use of medicines in livestock production, the importance of plant breeding and the process of bread production in the UK.
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- Link
- https://www.iaea.org/newscenter/multimedia/podcasts
- Category
- Bio-Medical, Science and Technology
- Subject
- Agriculture, Biology, Development Studies, Economics, Engineering, Environmental Studies, Medicine, Physics
- Medium
- Film/Video
- Type of resource
- Podcasting, Streaming/Download
IAEA Talk is a podcast that features scientists and experts discussing issues related to nuclear science and its peaceful applications. Based in Vienna, the IAEA works for the safe, secure and peaceful uses of nuclear science and technology. Its key roles contribute to international peace and security, and to the World’s Millennium Goals for social, economic and environmental development. Topics include forensics and security, minoring radiation with drones, nuclear science in cancer treatment and detecting avian flu. The IAEA also streams a large number of videos.
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- Link
- http://www.copeam.org/activities-category/audiovisual-product/
- Category
- Arts and Humanities, Social Sciences
- Subject
- Agriculture, Archaeology, Art, Economics, Geography, History, Languages, Media Studies, Music, Politics and Government, Social Studies
- Medium
- Film/Video
- Type of resource
- Archives/Museums, Streaming/Download
The results of a project to collect shared memories of the Mediterranean are presented on this website, which provides free access to over 4,000 audiovisual items from the region. Fourteen institutions from the Mediterranean region took part in the project, including broadcasters from Palestine, Israel, Spain, France, Italy, Algeria, Morocco, Egypt and Croatia. The site presents a selection of curated clips, aiming to provide a picture of the heritage, culture and history of the Mediterranean area. The clips are accompanied by wide range of editorial content, offering the opportunity to explore by theme and collection, with maps and timelines to aid navigation. Themes cover arts, economy, trade, industry, eco-systems, water issues, food and cooking, migration etc. The site is available in English, French and Arabic. Now under Copeam.
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- Link
- http://www.cornishstory.com
- Category
- Arts and Humanities
- Subject
- Agriculture, Crafts, Ethnology, Geography, History
- Medium
- Film/Video, Radio/Sound
- Type of resource
- Archives/Museums, Streaming/Download
This site is an initiative of the Cornish Audiovisual Archive (CAVA), which seeks to use oral history, music, photography and film to interpret the story of Cornwall, past and present. CAVA is a collection of recordings related to Cornwall, covering agriculture, brass bands, geographical communities, identity, kinship, mining, politics and religion.
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- Link
- http://en.ird.fr/
- Category
- Science and Technology, Social Sciences
- Subject
- Agriculture, Biology, Development Studies, Environmental Studies, Ethnology, Nature
- Medium
- Film/Video
- Type of resource
- Organisations
The IRD is a French public science and technology research institute managed by the French ministries in charge of research and overseas development. The institute is responsible for a number of programmes focusing on the relationship between people and the environment in in Africa, some Mediterranean countries, Latin America, Asia and the French tropical overseas territories. The Videos Online channel presents a monthly film, made in the field, showcasing the different types of research and projects undertaken by IRD and produced in close co-operation with the scientists and researchers involved in the programmes. The videos cover aspects of ethnology, conservation, biodiversity, development and environmental studies. The English-language version of the website features a handful of films with English commentaries: there are many more videos available on the French version of the website.
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- Link
- https://www.accessagriculture.org/
- Category
- Science and Technology
- Subject
- Agriculture, Development Studies, Environmental Studies
- Medium
- Film/Video
- Type of resource
- Discussion Lists, Organisations, Streaming/Download, Video Sources
This website showcases agricultural training videos, specifically aimed at sustaining agriculture in developing countries. The videos are divided into fourteen categories, covering different types of agriculture - cereals, pulses, livestock, fish - as well as videos on business skills, pest control, sustainable land management and mechanisation. The videos can be freely viewed and downloaded in MP4 format and DVD compilations of some of the films are available on request. Although aimed specifically at farmers in the developing world, the site will be of interest to students of agriculture and development studies.
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- Link
- https://www.ruralmedia.co.uk/
- Category
- Arts and Humanities, Social Sciences
- Subject
- Agriculture, Archaeology, Development Studies, Environmental Studies, Ethnology, Geography, Geology, Nature, Social Studies, Social Welfare
- Medium
- Film/Video
- Type of resource
- Organisations
Based in the West Midlands, this charity aims to enable rural and disadvantaged communities to participate in creative media activities and, in their own words, ‘create high quality film, photography, web, and print resources, that reflect diverse rural communities and issues, and challenge stereotypes and prejudice.' The website provides access to many of their films (click here) as well as detailed information on their diverse activites aimed at engaging with young people and local communities. They also run media skills courses specifically aimed at the Gypsy, Roma and Traveller communities as part of a Big Lottery-funded scheme.
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