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  1. Picture Palace: a History of Liverpool Cinemas Streaming

    Arts and Humanities
    Film Studies
    Film/Video, Radio/Sound
    Type of resource
    Archives/Museums, Lists, Streaming/Download

    The cinema as a place of popular mass entertainment towered over Liverpool in the first half of the last century. This left a rich legacy, not only of picture house buildings, but also of the pictures made for an insatiable and loyal audience. This site is devoted to collecting and preserving stories and images from the Golden Age of the Silver Screen in Liverpool: old black and white photographs, posters, handbills, programmes and lobby cards together with interviews and essays bear witness to the important role that cinema played in the lives of the working people of Liverpool. Some of the gems included are: an interview with filmmaker Alex Cox, who visits the Futuristic Cinema and recounts his memories of the first film he ever watched there; an interview with actor Ricky Tomlinson; and the oral histories from the projectionists, usherettes and organ players. The website is a ‘living archive’ which means that anyone with a story about cinemas in Liverpool is welcomed to share it.

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  2. Scottish Cinemas and Theatres Project Streaming

    Arts and Humanities
    Architecture, Film Studies
    Type of resource
    Archives/Museums, Lists

    Website dedicated to recording and archiving the architectural history of all Scottish purpose built cinemas, with particular emphasis on the cinemas of Glasgow and Edinburgh. There is a section listing all the cinemas that currently hold a ‘listed building’ status, with photographs and links to the Historic Scotland official description. It is also possible to search for a particular cinema by name, address, town, architect and status via the Scottish Cinema Database.

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  3. European Documentary Network Streaming

    Arts and Humanities
    Film Studies, Media Studies
    Type of resource
    Information Sources, Lists, Organisations, Podcasting, Web Links

    EDN is a meeting point for all documentary professionals working in the film and TV industries. It has around 1000 members from more than 60 countries, including production companies, producers, directors and other film professionals, distributors, associations, film institutions & boards, broadcasters, universities and festivals. The key service of EDN are to provide information to its members on co-production and other kinds of collaboration across borders, the international potential of a project, where to take a finished film, distribution, festivals and markets, the EU MEDIA Programme and other funding options, documentary training programmes and production contacts in other countries.

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  4. From the Archive: A British Television Podcast Streaming

    Arts and Humanities
    Type of resource
    Blogs, Lists, Podcasting, Reviews

    A celebration of all things British television from Greg Bakun, an American collector of British television programmes. The website started as a blog where Bakun would write about a randomly selected programme from his own archive. The site has now evolved and offers a series of podcasts on the same subject but with an emphasis on television preservation, restoration and missing material. Episodes so far include an interview with Chris Perry, CEO of Kaleidoscope, a celebration of Tony Hancock, which presents rare audio recording clips from his shows, and an interview with Sue Malden, the first ever BBC Archive selector. Although not easy to find, the site also includes reviews of DVDs.

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  5. Conserve the Sound Streaming

    Arts and Humanities
    Type of resource
    Archives/Museums, Lists, Streaming/Download

    This is a German online archive/museum for sounds considered to be in danger of disappearing. The project was created in 2013 and is continuously expanding. Sounds can be searched chronologically and/or by selecting the image of an object. For example, a picture of a ‘library stamp’ is linked to an audio file with the sound of the stamp in action, a slide show of images depicting the stamp from different angles and a record with a brief description of the object. There are video interviews with collaborators who give an insight into the world of disappearing sounds, and the public is offered the possibility of preserving and exhibiting sounds thought to be about to vanish by uploading them to their archive.

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  6. Cultural Equity Streaming

    Arts and Humanities
    Ethnology, Languages, Music, Radio Studies
    Film/Video, Radio/Sound
    Type of resource
    Archives/Museums, Information Sources, Lists, Streaming/Download

    The idea that the expressive traditions of all local and ethnic cultures should be equally valued was at the heart of musicologist Alan Lomax’s career. His Sound, Photograph and Video collections, which are the legacy of his extensive field research carried out between 1946-1990, can now be accessed online via the Cultural Equity website. Gems include The New Orleans Jazz Interviews (1949), the England and Wales folk songs (1951-1958), blues artist Big Bill Broonzy, Bessie Jones, and Caribbean 1962, just when the British West Indies were on the verge of independence. There are also three YouTube channels: The Alan Lomax Archive, which offers video clips from Lomax’s “American Patchwork” fieldwork (1978-1983), thus far including Mississippi Delta and Hill Country, Appalachia, New Orleans, Cajun Louisiana, Johns Island, SC; The Global Jukebox Channel with 600 recorded language examples collected by Lomax for Parlametrics, his study of speaking style, and the Cultural Equity Channel set up to provide Grenadians at home and in the Diaspora with an interactive online resource for Grenadian folkways and an outlet for cultural feedback.

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  7. Film Aficionado Streaming

    Arts and Humanities
    Film Studies
    Type of resource
    Databases, Lists, Web Links

    This website defines itself as ‘your favourite spot for film collecting’ and offers a quick and friendly way of finding films which have been released for home entertainment. The content is organised under two main tabs, Find DVDs and Find Blu-ray and searches can be limited to USA, UK, Canada or other countries. Further filters can be applied by selecting a specific release week; links to relevant retail outlets are also provided. The home page lists the ‘100 most collected directors’ and a link to their own Youtube Channel which offers help on how to pick ‘good’ titles, how to find films by ‘your favourite director’ and how to use ‘UPC importer’ to add your online collection to their database.

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  8. RAI Player (Royal Anthropological Institute) Streaming

    Arts and Humanities
    Ethnology, Film Studies
    Type of resource
    Archives/Museums, Lists, Streaming/Download, Video Sources

    A selection of documentaries from the Royal Anthropological Institute’s Film Catalogue is available to rent online. Titles are added on a rolling basis and the rental film allows you to stream a film for 72 hours. Titles available include classics such as John Baily’s AMIR and David & Judith MacDougall’s TURKANA CONVERSATIONS trilogy (LORANG’S WAY, A WIFE AMONG WIVES and THE WEDDING CAMELS). All the films featured have trailers, which can be watched for free.

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  9. The BBC Sound Effects Archive Streaming

    Arts and Humanities
    Media Studies, Radio Studies
    Type of resource
    Lists, Producers/Broadcasters, Streaming/Download

    This impressive collection of over 16,000 sound effects is now available to listen, download and use for personal, educational or research purposes. The content is organised by description, category and duration and can be searched by keyword. For example, entering ‘telephones’ returns 121 entries, including American telephones, the Bakelite 200 series from 1930 onwards, mobile phones, answering machines and many more; under the keyword ‘trains’ we can find over 250 sound effects including steam, electric, diesel and high speed trains, Eurostar, train tunnels, train stations, train bridges, etc.

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  10. TV Tropes Streaming

    Arts and Humanities
    Advertising, Film Studies, Literature, Media Studies, Music, Radio Studies
    Type of resource
    Databases, Information Sources, Lists

    This entertaining and informative site attempts to categorise, index and contextualise tropes - storytelling devices or conventions - as they appear in television programmes, films, games, music, literature, and other media. There are four main indexes: Genre Tropes, Media Tropes, Narrative Tropes and Topical Tropes. Each of these main headings is further subdivided so that under the Narrative Trope heading, for example, one can explore Characters, Conflict, Motifs Settings etc., down to a microscopic level of detail. The site began in 2004, primarily focusing on the television series ‘Buffy The Vampire Slayer’. Since then it has vastly expanded its scope to cover most types of media. Users can explore by series or trope. Each series entry features a list of tropes associated with that series, whereas users exploring by trope (British Teeth, for example) will find a list of that trope’s appearance in television, film, literature etc. Although the approach is often humorous the site represents an invaluable resource for anyone interested in exploring or analysing the building blocks of storytelling and narrative construction, in any medium, but particularly television.

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